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EXHIBIT A <br /> SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> Description: <br /> This contract is for the design of a fiber optic system to connect existing traffic signals at eight <br /> intersections,new CCTV cameras at two locations, and one future CCTV camera to the existing fiber <br /> optic system. Existing underground conduit will be used where available. The connection point to the <br /> existing system is near the intersection of Davis Street and Doolittle Drive. <br /> Work shall be as required to produce a set of plans and secure all required permits as detailed herein. <br /> Work shall be specified on plans and 8 1/2"x 11" specifications. Specifications shall be based on the <br /> `green book'. The City of San Leandro will provide baseline special provisions for Part 1, 2, and 3. <br /> The contractor shall edit and supplement as required to create a project Contract Book. The plans shall <br /> be clear and complete and shall include all information required for permit and construction. <br /> The Design shall be consistent with the fiber optic master plan of the City of San Leandro, currently <br /> being created by DKS. <br /> Traffic signals at the following intersections will be connected to the system: Washington/Lewelling, <br /> Manor/Wicks, Wicks/Merced,Merced/Fairway, Merced/Driveway(500' South of Marina), <br /> Merced/Marina,Merced/Williams, Williams/Doolittle. New cameras will be shown at the following <br /> locations: Doolittle/Davis(locate on existing streetlight pole in median), and Marina/Merced. The future <br /> camera will be installed at Williams/Doolittle. <br /> The City of San Leandro shall provide electronic files of an aerial photo that show the work area. <br /> All work shall be in conformance with the requirements set forth in exhibit A-1. <br /> Scope of work: <br /> 1. Research of existing utilities <br /> Contractor shall contact Pacific Bell, PG&E, EBMUD, Ora Loma Sanitary District and AT&T <br /> and determine the locations of all utilities pertinent to the installation of the work. <br /> City Tasks: <br /> Provide information regarding the location of storm drains and sanitary sewers that it owns. <br /> 2. Review of existing conditions <br /> Contractor shall verify all existing conditions including but not limited to: conduit,boxes, vaults,poles, <br /> controller cabinets, and utilities. <br /> 3. Prepare plans, specs, and estimates <br /> Fiber Installation Nextlink Manor/Farnsworth Exhibit A <br /> Page 1 o13 <br />