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cycle. Budget for this work could be considered for inclusion in the next budget cycle, which is fiscal <br />year 2016. <br /> <br />• Construction of curb bulb-outs at Victoria Circle and/or Dowling Boulevard to make crossing Bancroft Avenue <br />safer and to slow traffic – <br /> This work is estimated to cost approximately $100,000, depending upon landscaping and other features. <br />Costs could be higher dependent upon potential drainage issues. <br /> Project would need to be included for consideration in the City’s CIP process. <br /> Budget and timing for future CIP projects unknown at this time. <br /> <br />• Plant ‘the triangle’ at Bancroft Avenue/Dowling Boulevard – <br /> Engineering & Transportation Department staff has indicated that the ‘triangle’ feature is planned for <br />removal, with new crosswalk striping installed within the next couple of years (it will be included in the <br />CIP process). The current triangle configuration creates a potential hazard for pedestrians, as a <br />crosswalk extends from the northwest corner of Dowling/Bancroft south. Cars travelling south on <br />Bancroft and turning west (right) onto Dowling tend to speed up and treat this feature as a ‘free right <br />turn’, not realizing that a crosswalk exists right at the point the cars start to turn. <br /> <br />The total cost for all projects noted above (and assuming six decorative benches, six decorative garbage cans, and four <br />decorative bike racks) is estimated to start at $346,000. As noted, staff is recommending that $6,000 be allocated from <br />the Community Improvement Funds to replace existing and install new lighting at Victoria Circle and to paint the poles. <br />Funding for the remaining projects would need to be included in future CIP processes, or future fiscal year budget <br />allocations (2016 would be earliest option). <br /> <br />The speaker noted in presenting the petition that nothing had been done in 20 years towards beautification of this area. <br />I would like to point out to the Council that there have been both ‘improvement’ projects in addition to regularly <br />scheduled maintenance that has occurred in this area in the past 20 years. These include: <br /> <br />• Installation of decorative sidewalk planters at Bancroft/Dutton in mid-2000s (paid for by the General Fund); <br />• Painting of poles and installation of decorative pole banners along Bancroft Avenue, from Oakes Boulevard to <br />Durant Avenue in 2002-2003 (paid for by the General Fund); <br />• Area-wide street maintenance (including painting of curbs, replacement of older street and STOP signs, filling of <br />potholes, etc.) that is completed on a rotating 4-year cycle (2012, 2009, 2006, etc.) <br />• CIP street re-habilitation work (administered by the Engineering & Transportation Department) currently in <br />progress includes budget expenditures of approximately $66,000 in the immediate area in question, and a total <br />of approximately $600,000 (design plus construction) in neighborhoods north of Dutton Avenue and east of E. <br />14th Street. <br />• The MacArthur Boulevard Streetscape project, which included installation of new landscaped medians and <br />signage, was completed in 2006 ($3.4 million, paid with Redevelopment Funds). <br />• Between 2001 and 2004 a two-phased CIP construction project totaling $645,000 was completed, which <br />replaced the high voltage electrical system in the area to improve street lighting reliability. <br />• A future project, the MacArthur Phase 2 Roundabout (design) at Superior Avenue is in the FY 14 budget. <br /> <br />Submittal of the petition has presented some great ideas for consideration by the City. The request to improve the <br />lighting at Victoria Circle, we believe can be accommodated this fiscal year utilizing Community Improvement Funds. The <br />remaining projects would necessitate future budget considerations, whether through the City’s CIP process, the fiscal <br />year 2016 budget process, or in utilizing additional Community Improvement Funds.