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Helene  Fried  Associates  in  cooperation  with  Community  Design  +  Architecture   <br />Final  Artistic  Enhancement  Strategy  [July  2013  Update]  ±  Integrating  Artistic  Enhancements  with  BRT  Station  Design   <br />July  11,  2013   <br />Page  2  of  19 <br /> <br />4. Conduct an open, equitable and fair process for artist solicitation and employ effective strategies <br />for recruitment of a qualified pool of artists and artisans. <br />5. Engage the community in a meaningful outreach effort. <br />6. Comply with federal and, to the greatest extent possible, with state and municipal ordinances and <br />practices related to artistic enhancements. <br />7. Maintain on-going communications and regular interface with third party partners including the <br />cities of Oakland and San Leandro, Caltrans and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). <br />8. Complete the work in a manner mindful of a limited budget and strict timeline. <br />AC Transit Third Party Partners for the BRT <br />7KHSXEOLFDUWFRQVXOWDQWFRQGXFWHGLQWHUYLHZVZLWK$&7UDQVLW¶Vthird party partners for the BRT to <br />articulate the context and identify any legal requirement or possible impediments. Following is a <br />summary of results from these conversations: <br />The City of Oakland <br />Under the public art program in the City of Oakland, the typical practice for public construction projects <br />is for the City to commission original works of art for public spaces. These investments are mandated to <br />visually enrich the public environment, integrate the thinking of artists in public construction projects, and <br />provide a means for the public to experience and enjoy the rich cultural diversity. Adopted in 1989, the <br />Oakland Public Art Ordinance (11086 C.M.S.) is funded by a 1.5% allocation of the eligible city capital <br />improvement projects and grants. <br />In the case of the East Bay BRT project, City staff has requested that AC Transit follow ODNODQG¶V <br />Ordinance and process while developing art enhancements for the project, to the extent possible. Further, <br />the Oakland City Attorney advised staff that any project on city property must be reviewed through the <br />HVWDEOLVKHGFLW\SURFHVV6SHFLILFDOO\WKLVVWHSDGGUHVVHVWKHFLW\¶VDELOLW\WRPDLQWDLQWKHFRQVLVWHQF\RI <br />the process as well as issues of open and equitable access. Therefore, AC Transit is advised to present <br />their strategy for artistic enhancements to the Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC) and in the future <br />submit for review a draft of the AC Transit issued artist solicitation RFQs, the names of the selected <br />artists, as well as invite PAAC members and others from the city to attend public outreach meetings <br />during the design phase of the work by the artists and review of the final design concepts. <br />The Mayoral appointed PAAC advises the city on matters relating to public art and is currently comprised <br />of seven (7) members who are art experts, art administrators, or practicing artists. <br />Recommendations <br /> ƒ Follow the request from the City of Oakland to submit proposed plans and artist selection process to <br />the PAAC for review and comment. The PAAC meets monthly and agenda items are calendared and <br />materials distributed in advance. Staff to review on behalf of PAAC and advise Committee as <br />necessary. <br /> ƒ Engage the city in the artist selection process; invite elected officials, staff and/or PAAC members to <br />serve as a member of the Artist Selection Panel and/or Technical Assistance Committee (TAC) <br />described later in this strategy document. <br /> ƒ Broaden the project¶V community outreach and artist solicitation effort to involve individual artists, <br />arts and cultural organizations, and art-related businesses. <br /> ƒ Regularly update Oakland staff on the progress of these aspects of the project.