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Helene  Fried  Associates  in  cooperation  with  Community  Design  +  Architecture   <br />Final  Artistic  Enhancement  Strategy  [July  2013  Update]  ±  Integrating  Artistic  Enhancements  with  BRT  Station  Design   <br />July  11,  2013   <br />Page  4  of  19 <br /> <br />Art can, however, ³be incorporated into facility design, landscaping, and historic preservation´; for <br />example, through the use of floor or wall tiles that contain artistic designs or patterns; use of color; and <br />use of materials, lighting, and the overall design of a facility. In addition, eligible capital project costs <br />include incidental expenses related to acquisition or construction, including design costs. Therefore, the <br />incidental costs of incorporating art into facilities and including an artist on a design team continue to be <br />eligible expenses. Funds are available for art enhancement of elements integrated with the facility design <br />such as the recommended public art opportunities that are an integral component of the k i t of p a r ts for the <br />station design of the BRT project. Examples include integrating artistic treatments with station design <br />elements such as the canopy, paving, railings, furnishings, and landscaping. Artistic designs or patterns, <br />the use of color, and artist-selected materials including lighting are eligible expenses. The incidental <br />expenses that are related to acquisition or construction including design costs are also eligible for funding. <br />Therefore, the incidental costs of incorporating art into facilities and including an artist(s) or artist team(s) <br />on the design team continue to be eligible expenses. On-going further interpretation of the new <br />legislation¶VLPSDFWRQWKHproject may be needed and requires direct consultation between AC Transit <br />and the Office of Planning and Program Development, FTA Region 9. (Also see most recent information <br />provided by the Office of Planning, Region 9, FTA at the end of this document ± Appendix A.) <br />Recommendation <br /> ƒ Comply with FTA contract procurement standards, the Buy America program, and MAP-21 (as <br />effective October 1, 2012) and maintain regular communications to update FTA staff. <br />Other Pertinent Public Agencies <br />Alameda County Arts Commission <br />The Alameda County Arts Commission is a division of Alameda County whose charge is related to the <br />project. The Commission is a civic organization established in 1965 by ordinance of the Alameda County <br />Board of Supervisors to advise on the arts and cultural environment in the county. The Alameda County <br />Arts Commission has a professional staff dedicated to public art within the county and provides <br />opportunities for public artists and serves the people of the county by providing public art and art <br />programs in the public environment .The Public Art Ordinance (Chapter 13 Public Art Program) specifies <br />that an amount equal to two percent (2%) of each county capital project budget (construction or <br />renovation with budgets over $100,000) is allocated for the acquisition, design, creation, installation and <br />maintenance of public art and related expenses. <br />Arts Commission staff has offered to provide support, if needed, for efforts related to the recruitment of <br />artists and artisans, artist solicitation, and community outreach efforts. <br />Recommendation <br /> ƒ There is no requirement for the project to comply with the Alameda County public art ordinance, <br />however, maintain regular communications and provide updates to the Alameda County Arts <br />Commission staff. <br />Artistic Enhancement Allowance ± Station Average <br />The proposed art enhancement allowance amounts to 1.5% of the eligible construction costs of <br />approximately $100M for a total budget of $1.5M. Note: This 1.5% allocation is in keeping with local <br />practices and the same as required by the City of Oakland, Public Art Ordinance (11086 C.M.S.).