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2A Work Session 2013 0909
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Packet 2013 0909
2A Work Session 2013 0909
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9/12/2013 3:57:26 PM
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9/4/2013 4:49:32 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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File Number: 13-452 <br />·Quality architectural design elements and details on all three buildings including stone <br />work, trellises, arbors, exterior sconces, varying heights and setbacks to break up the <br />buildings. <br />As the revised project does not include a sit down restaurant, consistent with the DDA, the <br />purchase price for the site will increase to $2.5 million. This revenue is not City revenue. The sale <br />proceeds will be turned over to the Alameda County Tax Auditor Controller for distribution to taxing <br />entities, consistent with the requirements of AB x1 26. The City will receive a share of the sale <br />proceeds based on the County’s formula for allocating property tax revenues . <br />The CVS includes a drive-thru window along the back of the property. All efforts have been made <br />to mitigate potential impact with CVS’ recent drive-thru in Tiburon serving as the prototype. Those <br />mitigation measures include: <br />·The drive-thru window, along with the required five car queue are on a one way drive aisle <br />behind the building not readily visible from East 14th St. or Juana Ave. <br />·Installation of a specially designed intercom system to be used to serve the hearing <br />impaired. The system will project sound southerly to keep the sound on site. There will <br />also be a canopy over the transaction window. <br />·A 10-foot trellis and landscaping will be installed on top of the easterly wall from Juana to <br />the trash enclosure to serve as a buffer to the adjacent property . <br />The benefits of the revised project include: <br />·Peet’s and The Habit Burger come to Downtown San Leandro and numerous desirable <br />retailers are waiting to co-tenant with Peet’s. This should attract retailers to currently <br />vacant spaces like the former CopyMat. <br />·Generous public gatherings spaces with outdoor dining options and public art elements <br />such as a fountain/mister and the Raymond Lowey tiles. <br />·Well appointed, quality architecture and materials. The architecture will raise the bar for <br />design in Downtown San Leandro, catalyzing additional investment elsewhere. <br />·Project includes $500k in off-site improvements including new street trees, curbs, and <br />gutters. <br />·$10m investment in San Leandro and annual property tax revenues of approximately <br />$100k. <br />·CVS would vacate its E. 14th St. and Callan Ave. site and will consider joint sale of this <br />corner parcel, along with the City owned parking lot. This priority opportunity site <br />represents 1.5 acres ready for redevelopment on a prime corner in an ideal location for <br />mixed use (retail/multi-family). <br />·CVS has also provided notice to the City that they do not plan to exercise its right to a <br />10-year lease extension with Safeway for the CVS location in Washington Plaza when it <br />expires in 2017. This is contingent upon Safeway not operating a standalone pharmacy <br />and making a significant investment in redeveloping its store. <br />Modifications to the Planned Development can be made administratively by the Community <br />Development Director. However, given this project’s high profile, a minute order directing the <br />Community Development Director to approve the project is before the Council for consideration. <br />Assuming Council directs staff to approve the project , the timeline for development follows: <br />Permits Submitted 10/18/13 (outside date 11/15/13) <br />Innisfree Purchase Property 11/13/13 (outside date 12/31/13) <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/4/2013
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