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File Number: 13-387 <br />thirty (30) ADA curb ramps this past fiscal year . <br />CDBG-funded projects for non-profit service providers: <br />·As of June 30, 2013, Building Futures with Women & Children (BFWC) has completed the <br />rehabilitation of its domestic violence shelter. The City’s $100,000 loan, which includes a <br />$50,000 CDBG Capital Improvement Project (CIP) loan in FY 2008-2009 and an additional <br />$50,000 CDBG CIP loan in FY 2012-2013, was instrumental in completing the necessary <br />facility improvements to the shelter to better serve its clients. The extensive rehabilitation <br />made the shelter fully accessible to disabled residents, and included both interior and <br />exterior repairs and upgrades to the main house and to the back cottage, a renovated <br />kitchen, the renovation of the existing bathroom and the addition of a new bathroom, a <br />new backyard deck, and new landscaping. <br />Actions to Address Obstacles to Meeting Underserved Needs, Foster and Maintain <br />Affordable Housing, and Eliminate Barriers to Affordable Housing <br />¨Foster and Maintain Affordable Housing <br />·The City annually monitors preservation of 620 Below-Market Rate (BMR) rental units <br />(funded and/or regulated by the City/Redevelopment Agency ) for tenants earning <br />between 30% and 120% of the Area Median Income . This inventory of BMR units <br />includes seventy-three (73) units at Fargo Senior Center and twenty-two (22) units at <br />Surf Apartments that were rehabilitated this past fiscal year . Additionally, the City <br />monitors fifty-eight (58) existing BMR ownership units after two (2) BMR units were lost <br />from the BMR program due to a short sale and a foreclosure. <br />·In May 2009, the Livermore NSP1 Program, a partnership of the cities of Livermore, <br />Berkeley, Fremont, San Leandro and Union City, were successfully awarded funds <br />from the State of California NSP 1 Program authorized under the Housing and <br />Economic Recovery Act (HERA) of 2008. The State identified Livermore and its <br />partner cities as a “Tier 2” recipient eligible for $2.23 million in funds. NSP funds are <br />intended to address the problem of foreclosed properties in need of rehabilitation. In <br />FY 2012-2013, the Livermore NSP1 Program provided development financing to its <br />program contractor Hello Housing, to purchase and rehabilitate one (1) foreclosed and <br />vacant property located within the jurisdiction of San Leandro. Since the program <br />began in January 2010, eleven (11) properties have been acquired and rehabilitated <br />through the NSP1 program in the jurisdictions of Livermore (6), Fremont (1), San <br />Leandro (3) and Union City (1). <br />·The Alameda County Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) <br />received a competitive grant of $11 million for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program <br />2 (NSP 2 program) under the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) <br />to purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed and vacant homes and re-sell or rent them to <br />eligible households. The County is the lead agency in the Alameda County NSP2 <br />Consortium, which includes the Cities of Dublin, Emeryville, Livermore, Newark, <br />Pleasanton, Hayward, Fremont, San Leandro, Union City, and the urbanized areas of <br />the Unincorporated County. A total of six (6) NSP2 homes have been purchased in <br />Page 7 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/11/2013