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File Number: 13-427 <br />(iv) Animals with a propensity to fight, or that are otherwise incompatible, shall be <br />kept separated. <br />(v) Cages shall have tops to prevent escape by climbing or jumping. <br />(vi) Shelter, cages and enclosures shall be kept in good repair with no <br />protrusions or devices on which the animal could injure itself. <br />(vii) No cage or structure shall be permitted in any front yard area of the property. <br />ARTICLE 12 <br />CHICKENS <br />4-11-1200 <br />LIMITATION ON NUMBER <br />Up to four chickens may be kept on parcels with an area of 4,500 square feet or larger. <br />Chickens may be kept on parcels of less than 4,500 square feet with an Animal Permit. Up to <br />10 chickens may be kept on a parcel with an Animal Permit , but in no case may more than 10 <br />chickens be kept on any single parcel. No roosters are to be kept on the property. <br />4-11-1205 <br />KEEPING OF CHICKENS <br />Chickens shall be kept outside in the rear yard, in a fenced area, and must be provided <br />with a coop. They may not roam in any area outside the fenced rear yard. The total area of all <br />chicken coops on a lot may not exceed 60 square feet. No single coop, or combination of <br />coops, shall exceed 7 feet in height. No coop shall be located less than 5 feet from any side <br />or rear lot line on which the primary use is residential and 20 feet from an adjacent dwelling. <br />Cages shall remain stationary in the back yard. Chicken coops must comply with all other <br />applicable cage and enclosure requirements of Section 4-11-1110. <br />ARTICLE 13 <br />ANIMAL PERMIT <br />4-11-1305 <br />PERMIT REQUIRED <br />(a) Permit required. An Animal Permit is required for the keeping of chickens on <br />parcels smaller than 4,500 square feet, and for the keeping of any animals in a manner that <br />would otherwise exceed the limits or regulations set forth in the Municipal Code. Applicants <br />for an Animal Permit shall provide a complete application form and a fee as set forth in the <br />City’s fee schedule for the required review and inspection . The permit will specify animals <br />covered and number of animals permitted. Permit holders will be entitled to keep up to the <br />number of animals permitted. <br />(b) Inspection. Prior to issuance of an Animal Permit , Animal Control Services shall <br />conduct an inspection of the premises at any reasonable hour for inspection in order to make <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/11/2013