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File Number: 13-401 <br />Due Diligence Review process, also demanded that the Successor Agency remit a fund <br />balance of $3.9m that had been reserved for this obligation. The Successor Agency filed a <br />legal challenge to these determinations and a settlement in July 2013 resolved the issues in <br />the Successor Agency’s favor . The remaining balance on this obligation is expected to be <br />fully paid by June 2014, and will be paid as follows: <br />·Existing LMIHF balance: $3.9m <br />·Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) payment from the July-December <br />2013 ROPS (ROPS 13-14A): $1.1m <br />·Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) payment from the January-June <br />2014 ROPS (ROPS 13-14B): $2.0m <br />Litigation Expenditures <br />Health and Safety Code Section 34171(b) states that litigation expenses do not count against <br />the administrative budget allowance. The Successor Agency has three active or potential <br />claims against the DOF. Two of these actions were resolved in the Successor Agency’s favor <br />and are not expected to incur further charges after the conclusion of the next ROPS period. A <br />legal challenge related to loans made by the City to the Redevelopment Agency is still <br />pending, as noted above. <br />Community Benefit District <br />In July 2013, a Community Benefit District was formed to generate funding to support <br />Downtown San Leandro. The Successor Agency presently owns ten parcels that are located <br />inside the Benefit District. Although the Successor Agency did not vote during the balloting <br />process, it is subject to this assessment now that it is in effect . The Successor Agency’s <br />assessment for 2013-14 will be $36,508.10 and this amount has been added to the ROPS as <br />a new obligation. <br />Administrative Budget <br />The ROPS also contains an administrative budget for the Successor Agency . Based on <br />direction from the California Department of Finance, the amount of the administrative <br />allowance is the greater of 3% of funds received from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust <br />Fund or $250,000 annually. Because sufficient RPTTF was not available , the Successor <br />Agency did not receive any Administrative Allowance under ROPS 13-14A and the Agency is <br />therefore requesting its full annual allotment on the current ROPS. The amount requested is <br />calculated as follows. <br />Approved RPTTF from ROPS 13-14A: $5,239,717 <br />Requested RPTTF from ROPS 13-14B:$5,007,865 <br />Total RPTTF for the 2013-14 fiscal year:$10,247,582 <br />Allowed Administrative Allowance (3%)$307,427 <br />The Oversight Board is scheduled to approve this ROPS on September 18, 2013 and it will be <br />forwarded to the DOF, the State Controller’s Office and the Alameda County Auditor <br />Controller after that action is finalized. <br />Previous Actions <br />·On January 9, 2012, the City Council affirmed its decision to have the City serve as the <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/11/2013