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File Number: 13-480 <br />businesses, and 3) humanize the industrial area. Conceptual physical improvements <br />proposed for the area include: Creating an attractive and uniform “spine” or boulevard on <br />Merced Street; and improvements to Marina Boulevard, Hester Street, Timothy Drive and the <br />Catalina Street/Farallon Drive intersection area such as pedestrian lighting, bus <br />shelters/seating, bicycle lanes, crosswalk markings, and public art. <br />As a result of the study, staff from the Community Development Department , Engineering and <br />Transportation Department , and the Public Works Department are working to assess available <br />resources and a feasible timeline to implement recommendations from the study. In order to <br />obtain essential input and buy-in from stakeholders, an Industrial Area Working Group will be <br />convened in January 2014. The group will consist of key stakeholders such as Kaiser <br />Permanente, Lit San Leandro, industrial area property owners and businesses and the San <br />Leandro Chamber of Commerce. Together, they will provide input and help prioritize the study <br />recommendations. Staff will update the City Council on the recommendations in February <br />2014. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />·Final Report for Next Generation Workplace District Study <br />PREPARED BY: Tom Liao, Planning and Housing Manager, Community Development <br />Department <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/2/2013