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File Number: 13-460 <br />·18.05 Funding <br />·19.01 Street and Building Design <br />Environmental Review <br />Environmental clearance will be filed for this project before construction is scheduled to <br />commence. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The estimated project cost is $831,000. The RM 2 SR2 T program will provide $40,000 for the <br />design and environmental phase and $360,000 for the construction phase of the project. The <br />Measure B Bicycle/Pedestrian Countywide Discretionary Funds will provide $346,000 toward <br />the project. The required matching funds of $85,000 will be provided from the City’s Measure <br />B Pass-Thru Funds and will be appropriated during a Budget Adjustment process . <br />Budget Authority <br />This project was included in the 2010-11 Budget with sufficient grant funds appropriated in <br />account 150-36-294 and Measure B - Bicycle and Pedestrian Fund account 144-36-294 for <br />the design phase of the project. The appropriation of grant funds and Measure B - Bicycle and <br />Pedestrian funds will be revised with a Budget Adjustment for the future allocation for the <br />construction phase of the project. <br />PREPARED BY: Keith R. Cooke, Principal Engineer, Engineering and Transportation <br />Department <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/2/2013