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Agmt 2013 Davis Street Family Resource Center DSFRC
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2013 Davis Street Family Resource Center DSFRC
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10/3/2013 3:00:20 PM
Creation date
10/3/2013 3:00:19 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2013-095
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TIMELINES <br /> By end of 1st Quarter, September 30, 2013, Davis Street will have accomplished: <br /> I , <br /> • Provide 2,560 families with basic needs services to include any of the above mentioned services. <br /> • Provide 27 San Leandro clients with crisis intervention and/or short term counseling services and <br /> access to eligible family resource center services. <br /> • Seventy-five percent(75%) or 20 of the 27 San Leandro clients will report a reduction in the severity or <br /> frequency of the presenting issue as supported by a decrease of high or at-risk behavior. <br /> By end of 2"d Quarter, December 31, 2013, Davis Street will have accomplished: <br /> • Provide 5,120 families with basic needs services to include any of the above mentioned services <br /> including case management to families that volunteer to monitor and track progress. <br /> • Provide 54 San Leandro clients with crisis intervention and/or short term counseling services and <br /> access to eligible family resource center services. <br /> • Seventy-five percent (75%) or 41 of the 54 San Leandro clients will report a reduction in the severity or <br /> frequency of the presenting issue as supported by a decrease of high or at-risk behavior. <br /> By end of 3`d Quarter, March 31, 2014, Davis Street will have accomplished: <br /> • <br /> • Provide 7,680 families with basic needs services to include any of.the above mentioned services <br /> including case management to monitor and track progress. <br /> • Provide 81 San Leandro clients with crisis intervention and/or short term counseling services and <br /> access to eligible family resource center services. <br /> • Seventy-five percent (75%) or 61 of the 81 San Leandro clients will report a reduction in the severity or <br /> frequency of the presenting issue as supported by a decrease of high or at-risk behavior. <br /> By end of 4th Quarter, June 30, 2014, Davis Street will have accomplished: <br /> • Provide 10,241 families with basic needs services to include any of the above mentioned services <br /> including case management to monitor and track progress. <br /> • Approximately twenty five percent (25%) or 2,560 families, who accessed the basic needs services will <br /> demonstrate increased financial or housing stability as indicated on their intake assessment and follow <br /> up at the 4th and 12th month re-assessment periods. Families will become more self-sufficient by <br /> having maintained their housing, as reported at time of follow up. <br /> • Approximately twenty five percent (25%) or 2,560 unemployed families will report a decrease in the risk <br /> of compromising their self-sufficiency by securing employment or job training as reported at time of <br /> follow-up. <br /> • Approximately twenty five percent (25%) or 2,560 under-employed families who receive <br /> comprehensive support services will reduce the risk of losing their jobs by maintaining employment <br /> during the first month following their crisis or use of services • <br /> • Provide 96 San Leandro clients with crisis intervention and/or short term counseling services and <br /> access to eligible family resource center services. <br /> • Seventy-five percent (75%) or 72 of the 96 San Leandro clients will report a reduction in the severity or <br /> frequency of the presenting issue as supported by a decrease of high or at-risk behavior. <br /> - 15- <br /> CDBG Agreement with Davis Street FRC—FY13-14 <br />
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