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File Number: 13-490 <br />or life safety. The Building Standards Commission then “publishes” the codes as further <br />amended. Cities have 180 days from the official “publication date” to amend the State codes <br />or adopt the codes without amendments. Failure of a city to adopt or amend the State codes <br />results in the imposition of the unamended State Code at the local level. The State Building <br />Standards Commission set an effective date at the local level of January 1, 2014. The State <br />codes were not readily available until late July, which leaves very little time for cities to <br />respond. <br />DISCUSSION <br />All cities and counties must enforce model codes as revised and published by the State. <br />These codes are generally revised every three years by the organization that creates the <br />model codes. These codes are then reviewed and amended by the State to reflect the unique <br />conditions in California. <br />Previously, three (3) model building codes were published independently in the United States <br />by three model code organizations: International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), <br />Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) and Southern Building Code Congress <br />International (SBCCI). As a first step toward national uniformity, these model code <br />organizations merged - forming a new model code organization known as the International <br />Code Council (ICC). A result of this effort was the publication of the International Building <br />Code. A significant number of the changes to the codes were simply to correlate with a new <br />format. Additionally, requirements from the various model codes were incorporated into the <br />new International Building Code. <br />The proposed ordinances consist of the following: <br />·Adoption of state-mandated construction codes. <br />·Adoption of the appendices Chapters G and I of the International Building Code. <br />·Adoption of the appendices Chapters G and H of the International Residential Code. <br />·Adoption of the “International Fire Code, 2012 Edition” with appendix chapters B, C, <br />and D. <br />·A carryover of the City’s current administrative and procedural amendments <br />reformatted to correlate with the new codes. <br />·Amending the Plumbing Code to prohibit the use of plastic pipes in drain waste and <br />venting systems. This continues existing City policy. <br />·The adoption of appendices Chapters A 2, A4 and A5 of the “International Existing <br />Building Code 2012 edition.” <br />·Minor Structural Amendments related to updating seismic design criteria based on San <br />Leandro’s proximity to earthquake faults and corrections to the model code structural <br />design standards. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/15/2013