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Section R602.10.4 is added and Table R602.10.3(3) revised to read as follow: <br /> <br />Add a new footnote “e” to the end of CRC Table R602.10.3(3), to read: <br /> <br />e. In Seismic Design Categories D0, D1, and D2, Method GB is not permitted and the use <br />of Method PCP is limited to one-story single family dwellings and accessory structures. <br />Add the “e” footnote notation in the title of Table R602.10.3(3) to read: <br /> <br /> TABLE R602.10.3(3)e <br /> <br />Add a new subsection R602.10.4.4, to read: <br /> <br />R602.10.4.4 Limits on methods GB and PCP. In Seismic Design Categories D0, D1, and <br />D2, Method GB is not permitted for use as intermittent braced wall panels, but gypsum board <br />is permitted to be installed when required by this Section to be placed on the opposite side of <br />the studs from other types of braced wall panel sheathing. In Seismic Design Categories D0, <br />D1, and D2, the use of Method PCP is limited to one-story single family dwellings and <br />accessory structures. <br /> <br />Section 7-5-145: MULTIPLE HAZARDS: OUTDOOR STORAGE. <br /> <br />(a) When a hazardous material has multiple hazards, all hazards shall be addressed and <br />controlled in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. When overhead <br />noncombustible construction is provided for sheltering exterior hazardous material <br />storage areas, such storage shall not be considered indoor storage when all of the <br />following conditions are met: <br /> <br />(1) Supports shall be of noncombustible construction. <br />(2) Supports and walls shall not obstruct more than 25 percent of the perimeter <br />of the storage area. <br />(3) The distance to buildings, property lines, streets, alleys, public ways or exits <br />to a public way shall not be less than the distance required for an exterior <br />hazardous material storage area without weather protection. <br /> <br />Section 7-5-150: RESERVED <br /> <br />Section 7-5-155: NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION Section 414.6.1.3 of the <br />Code is added to read as follows: <br /> <br />414.6.1.3 Noncombustible construction. The overhead structure shall be of approved <br />noncombustible construction with a maximum area of 3,000 square feet (140m2). <br /> <br />2. The aforesaid local amendment is reasonably necessary in order to lessen the <br />threat to life, safety and property represented by certain local climatic, geographical and <br />topographical conditions existing in the City of San Leandro. <br /> <br />3. The aforesaid local amendment is enacted pursuant to the authority of Section <br />17958.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, for the purpose of addressing the aforesaid