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File Number: 13-475 <br />7.Primary recipients must include a narrative or description of efforts the primary recipient <br />uses to ensure sub-recipients are complying with Title VI , as well as a schedule of <br />sub-recipient Title VI program submissions . <br />8.If the recipient has constructed a facility, such as a vehicle storage facility, <br />maintenance facility, operation center, etc., the recipient must include a copy of the <br />Title VI equity analysis conducted during the planning stage with regard to the location <br />of the facility. <br />9.Additional information as specified in FTA C 4702.1B chapters IV, V, and VI, depending <br />on whether the sub-recipient is a fixed route transit provider, a State, or a MPO <br />(Metropolitan Planning Organization, i.e. MTC). <br />In response to the aforementioned requirements, staff updated the 2012 San Leandro Title VI <br />Program that includes following documents: <br />a.Civil Rights and Accessibility Notice to the Public <br />b.Title VI Complaint Form <br />c.Title VI Complaint Procedure <br />d.Language Access Plan <br />e.Request for Language Assistance <br />f.San Leandro Public Participation Plan <br />All these documents are attached to the resolution, posted on the City’s website at <br /><> and are also available in the City <br />Manager’s office. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan GOAL 1.3 - Include updates to the Bicycle and Pedestrian <br />project lists as part of the larger annual Capital Improvement Project (CIP) update that the <br />City undertakes for all projects. <br />Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan GOAL 2.1 - Identify current local, county, regional, state, <br />and federal programs that would fund bicycle and pedestrian capital improvements and <br />programs, along with specific funding requirements and deadlines. <br />Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan GOAL 4.11 - Install and maintain accessible pedestrian <br />signals adhering to ADA installation guidelines and the latest best practices at all major <br />multi-lane intersections that serve schools, transit hubs, and major commercial centers. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />All documents for the Title VI Program are posted on the City’s website at <br /><> and have been available in the City <br />Manager’s office since June 2012. The Civil Rights and Accessibility Notice to the Public has <br />been posted on the bulletin board located at the north entrance to City Hall since September <br />18, 2013. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/15/2013