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<br /> <br />"LOCAL INCLUSION POLICY" <br /> <br /> <br />COMPARISON OF BIDS <br />Findings <br /> The City Council of the City of San Leandro hereby finds that it is in the City’s interest <br />to have a healthy local business community. The City Council also finds that San Leandro <br />businesses, particularly small and nonprofit organizations, often encounter obstacles to <br />participating in City projects and procurements, obtaining financing and credit, and bonding and <br />insurance, which affects the economic viability and growth of these businesses and <br />organizations. <br />Declaration of Policy and Purpose <br /> (a) It shall be a policy of the City of San Leandro that San Leandro business enterprises, <br />including small and nonprofit businesses, should be encouraged to participate as contractors and <br />suppliers in the provision of goods and services to the City. Policies and programs that enhance <br />opportunities and utilize the skills and expertise of San Leandro businesses, including small <br />businesses and nonprofit organizations, serve the public interest, primarily because the growth <br />and development of such businesses have a significant positive impact on the economic health <br />of the City of San Leandro. A City ordinance that grants a preference for awarding contracts for <br />projects and procurements to businesses located or operating within the City serves the public <br />interest by encouraging businesses, including small and nonprofit businesses, to locate, hire <br />residents and remain in San Leandro. <br /> (b) Investment in San Leandro businesses is important to sustain and expand regional <br />partnerships that connect workforce and local business participation development, a vibrant arts <br />community and educational development. <br /> (c) It is a goal of this policy to encourage the enactment of legislation that mandates <br />setting aside a percentage of the City’s budget for all projects developed or built by the City for <br />workforce training, local employment and the arts. <br /> (d) Because many San Leandro businesses are small and may not have the resources, <br />capability or experience to act as a prime contractor or to provide specialty services, it shall be a <br />policy of the City of San Leandro to encourage qualified prime contractors to use San Leandro <br />businesses, including small businesses and nonprofit organizations, as subcontractors and <br />suppliers to participate in City projects and purchases and gain experience in a way that will <br />enhance their ability to eventually compete for contracts as prime contractors.