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File Number: 13-572 <br />Adjustments, and the comments and recommendation from the Planning Commission will be <br />presented to the City Council for its approval in Spring 2014. <br />Also at the City Council’s request , staff presents two additional zoning maps : One shows the <br />areas, as defined by the current zoning map, where a dispensary may open under the current <br />locational restrictions. The second map shows the areas, as defined by the current zoning <br />map with the inclusion of churches and other places of worship as an additional locational <br />restriction, where a dispensary may open. If the City Council wishes to include the additional <br />locational restriction of 1,000 feet , the ordinance will have to come back to the City Council <br />for a new first reading to pass to print, which would subsequently be followed by a new <br />second reading. Substantive amendments to this version of the ordinance would delay the <br />effective date of an ordinance by at least two weeks from the current schedule applicable to <br />this version of the ordinance. It would not, however, impact the overall schedule as <br />modifications to the Zoning Code and the RFP process would need to occur prior to the <br />issuance of a dispensary permit. <br />Staff proposes the following implementation schedule : <br />1.Approval of the first reading of the ordinance. (November 4, 2013) <br />2.The ordinance will be placed on a subsequent meeting’s agenda for second reading . <br />(currently scheduled for November 18, 2013) <br />3.Staff will present the approved ordinance and amendments to the Zoning Code to the <br />Board of Zoning Adjustments and Planning Commission . The Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments will publicly review and comment on the Zoning Code amendments, while the <br />Planning Commission must subsequently hold a public hearing to review and make <br />recommendations to City Council. (February / March 2014) <br />4.Staff will engage a consultant to assist the City with the drafting , preparation, and <br />administration of a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to determine which medical <br />marijuana dispensary operator should be recommended for award of a dispensary permit. <br />(February - August 2014) <br />5.Staff will present for City Council approval a resolution amending the City’s fee schedule to <br />add a non-refundable medical marijuana dispensary permit application fee, and an annual <br />medical marijuana dispensary permit review fee. (February - June 2014) <br />6.Staff will prepare materials for a ballot measure to approve a percentage of gross receipts <br />tax (or other similar legally permissible calculation method) for placement on the <br />November 2014 general election ballot. (By June 2014) <br />7.Permitted dispensary to identify location and negotiate/sign lease, construction plans for <br />improvements submitted for review and permitting, improvements constructed, dispensary <br />to open. (August 2014 - December 2014) <br />Previous Actions <br />·October 4, 2010: The City Council passed An Interim Urgency Ordinance Prohibiting <br />Consideration and Approval of Use Permits , Variances, Building Permits, Start of New <br />Construction, or Other Entitlements for Any Establishment or Operation of Medical <br />Marijuana Dispensaries, Marijuana Cultivation Facilities, or Other Land Uses that Could Be <br />Proposed Should Prop 19 Be Approved by Voters for a Forty -Five Day Period. <br />·November 15, 2010: The City Council extended the Interim Urgency Ordinance to <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/12/2013