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File Number: 13-561 <br />Leandro Improvement Association (SLIA). Informally, this entity will also be known as the <br />Downtown San Leandro Community Benefit District. <br />The Management and Disbursement Agreement was approved by the Interim Executive <br />Board of the SLIA at its meeting on November 7, 2013. <br />Analysis <br />Consistent with State law, revenues from the Community Benefit District assessments will be <br />remitted by the County Assessor to the City when funds are received from the property <br />owners. The Management and Disbursement Agreement codifies procedures for distribution <br />of funds to the District’s management corporation . <br />Additionally, the Management and Disbursement Agreement details the responsibilities of the <br />City and the SLIA as it relates to the expenditure of funds and ongoing reporting . Some of the <br />key provisions of the Agreement are as follows : <br />San Leandro Improvement Association Responsibilities: <br />·SLIA shall be responsible for developing , implementing, directing and operating the <br />Management Plan. SLIA assumes all responsibility for completing activities required to <br />implement the Management Plan and its programs. <br />·SLIA shall competitively bid all contracts over $15,000. <br />·A statement of activities /programs funded by District revenues, and the cost of each <br />activity or program shall be mailed to every property owner within the District by <br />December 31st of each year. <br />·Meetings of the SLIA shall comply with the open meeting requirements of the Ralph M . <br />Brown Act. <br />·SLIA shall submit an Annual Work Plan and Budget on or before November 30th for <br />each fiscal year. <br />·Annually in conjunction with the Annual Report and Budget , the SLIA shall prepare <br />financial statements that document the disposition, commitment and line item <br />expenditures of all revenues received during the previous calendar year. <br />City of San Leandro Responsibilities: <br />·The City shall coordinate the collection of the annual Assessment through an <br />agreement with the County of Alameda and ensure the billing of those public or <br />tax-exempt entities not billed through the County of Alameda property tax billing <br />procedures, and monitor the payment process to obtain timely payment of <br />Assessments by public entities and other tax-exempt District property owners. <br />·Contingent upon receipt of assessment funds from the County of Alameda , the City <br />shall disburse to the SLIA the Assessments received from the County on or about the <br />following dates and in accordance with the following percentages. <br />o December 18: First 50% of annual assessment received from the County, or the <br />full amount transferred by the County to the City in the December installment, <br />whichever is greater. Plus 50% of the annual Assessments received and <br />collected by the City for tax-exempt and publicly owned parcels within the <br />District. <br />o April 30: Second 50%. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/12/2013