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File Number: 13-579 <br />to fund local services. <br />In addition to gathering input related to community needs and priorities, staff recommends <br />that the proposed study also survey public support for multiple types of potential revenue <br />measures, including but not limited to: a local road improvements funding measure in 2014, a <br />potential extension of Measure Z in 2016, a local medical marijuana tax, or an increase in the <br />transient occupancy tax (a.k.a. “TOT” or “hotel tax”). <br />Timing & Recommended Next Steps <br />The information provided by this analysis will be used to inform discussions at the City Council <br />Planning Session that is scheduled for February 1, 2014. In order to ensure sufficient time is <br />available to collect and analyze the survey information prior to the Planning Session, the City <br />Manager will provide for Council consideration at the December 2nd Council meeting <br />proposed contract(s) and scope of work. Should Council adopt the contract(s), staff will then <br />convene a meeting of the ad hoc committee in early December so that the consultants can <br />initiate the survey process. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Although final costs will vary depending upon the specific scope and duration of a <br />community-wide survey and related planning and analysis, estimated costs are in the order of <br />approximately $50,000 for strategic consulting and planning as well as an additional <br />approximately $30,000 for the community survey. There is not an identified funding source at <br />this time. <br />PREPARED BY: Eric Engelbart, Assistant to the City Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/12/2013