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An operational permit or approval is required for the manufacture, storage, <br />handling, sale or use of any quantity of explosives, explosive materials, fireworks <br />or pyrotechnic special effects within the scope of Chapter 56. <br /> <br />An exception is established for storage in Group R-3 occupancies of smokeless <br />propellant, black powder and small arms primers for personal use, not for resale <br />and in accordance with Section 5606. <br /> <br />105.6.15 Fire hydrants and valves. <br /> <br />An operational permit is required to use or operate fire hydrants or valves intended <br />for fire suppression purposes that are installed on water systems and accessible to <br />a fire apparatus access road that is open to or generally used by the public. <br /> <br />An exception is established in that a permit is not required for authorized <br />employees of the water company that supplies the system or the fire department to <br />use or operate fire hydrants or valves. <br /> <br />105.6.16 Flammable and combustible liquids. <br /> <br />An operational permit or approval is required: <br />1. To use or operate a pipeline for the transportation within facilities of <br />flammable or combustible liquids. This requirement shall not apply to the <br />off-site transportation in pipelines regulated by the Department of <br />Transportation (DOT) nor does it apply to piping systems. <br /> <br />2. To store, handle or use Class I liquids in excess of 5 gallons (19 L) in a <br />building or in excess of 10 gallons (37.9 L) outside of a building, except <br />that a permit is not required for the following: <br />2.1. The storage or use of Class I liquids in the fuel tank of a motor <br />vehicle, aircraft, motorboat, mobile power plant or mobile heating <br />plant, unless such storage, in the opinion of the environmental <br />services staff, would cause an unsafe condition. <br />2.2. The storage or use of paints, oils, varnishes or similar flammable <br />mixtures when such liquids are stored for maintenance, painting <br />or similar purposes for a period of not more than 30 days. <br /> <br />3. To store, handle or use Class II or Class IIIA liquids in excess of 25 gallons <br />(95 L) in a building or in excess of 60 gallons (227 L) outside a building, <br />except for fuel oil used in connection with oil-burning equipment. <br /> <br />4. To store, handle or use Class IIB or Class IIIA liquids in excess of 25 <br />gallons (95L) in a building or in excess of 60 gallons (227 L) outside a <br />building, except for fuel oil used in connection with oil burning <br />equipment. <br />