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<br />102.4 RESERVED. <br /> <br />102.5 RESERVED. <br /> <br />102.6 Historic buildings. <br /> <br />The provisions of this code relating to the construction, alteration, repair, <br />enlargement, restoration, relocation or moving of buildings or structures shall not <br />be mandatory for existing buildings or structures identified and classified as historic <br />buildings when such buildings or structures do not constitute a distinct hazard to <br />life or property. Fire protection in designated historic buildings and structures shall <br />be provided in accordance with an approved fire protection plan. <br /> <br />102.7 Referenced codes and standards. <br /> <br />The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in <br />Chapter 80 and such codes and standards shall be considered part of the <br />requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where <br />differences occur between the provisions of this code and the referenced <br />standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. <br /> <br />102.8 Subjects not regulated by this code. <br /> <br />Where no applicable standards or requirements are set forth in this code, or are <br />contained within other laws, codes, regulations, ordinances or bylaws adopted by <br />the jurisdiction, compliance with applicable standards of the National Fire <br />Protection Association or other nationally recognized fire safety standards, as <br />approved, shall be deemed as prima facie evidence of compliance with the intent <br />of this code. Nothing herein shall derogate from the authority of the Building <br />Official or Fire Marshal to determine compliance with codes or standards for those <br />activities or installations within the Building Official’s or Fire Marshal’s jurisdiction <br />or responsibility. <br /> <br />102.9 RESERVED. <br /> <br />102.10 Conflicting provisions. <br /> <br />Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and a specific <br />requirement, the specific requirement shall be applicable. <br /> <br />102.11 Other laws. <br /> <br />The provisions of this code shall not be deemed to nullify any provisions of local, <br />state or federal law. <br />