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8C Consent 2013 1202
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Packet 2013 1202
8C Consent 2013 1202
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 13-589 <br />grants. <br />The current BID expires June 30, 2014. Fiscal years 2014-15 and 2015-16 assume that the <br />BID is re-established at rates increased by a projected CPI. An increase in the BID rate will <br />be considered as part of the renewal process. <br />Proactive measures taken to reduce costs and secure grants have helped to stabilize funding <br />for LINKS. The loss of Redevelopment funding to fill the cash flow gap resulting from the <br />grant reimbursement process will continue to pose a challenge for LINKS. With the instability <br />of grant funding and the loss of Redevelopment funds it is necessary to increase revenue by <br />increasing the BID rates. <br />Per the approved Ordinance, the BID may be increased annually by the Consumer Price <br />Index (CPI). This Fiscal Year’s CPI factor is 2. percent which would result in the BID Base <br />Rate increasing from $26.01 to $26.73, and the BID Rate per Employee increasing from <br />$11.32 to $11.63. Businesses with five or fewer employees, landlords, and non-profits would <br />remain exempt from the BID. <br />The BID Advisory Board made the following recommendations: <br />1.Continue outreach and marketing to keep the business community informed of the <br />shuttle service. The Executive Director of the SLTMO shall continue to market the <br />program to companies in the BID area using a variety of marketing and <br />communication efforts. <br />2.Continue to pursue additional grant funding for FY 2013-14 and beyond, such as the <br />Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) grant funding administered by the Bay <br />Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and Alameda County <br />Transportation Commission (ACTC), and Lifeline grant funding administered by the <br />Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). <br />3.Continue to make improvements to the service to better meet employer/employee <br />needs, including: route modifications; bus benches and updated signs; and <br />technologies to make the service more user friendly such as bus tracking <br />applications and Wi-Fi access. <br />4.Increase the BID base fee rate and the per employee assessment rate equal to the <br />Consumer Price Index (CPI) in FY 2013-14 as provided for in Ordinance No. 2009- <br />002. For FY 2013-14 the CPI factor is 2.7 percent. This would result in the BID Base <br />Rate increasing from $26.01 to $26.73, and the BID Rate per Employee increasing <br />from $11.32 to $11.63. Businesses with five or fewer employees, landlords, and <br />non-profits will continue to be exempt from the BID assessment. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Ordinance No. 2004-013, adopted June 21, 2004, amending Title 2 of the San <br />Leandro Municipal Code to add a new Chapter 15 establishing the West San <br />Leandro Business Improvement District <br />·Resolution No. 2004-153, adopted October 4, 2004, forming the West San Leandro <br />Shuttle Business Improvement District Advisory Board <br />·Ordinance No. 2004-021, adopted October 18, 2004, specifying the time and <br />manner of collecting the West San Leandro Shuttle BID assessments <br />·Resolution No. 2008-130, adopted October 20, 2008, amending Resolution No. 2004 <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/26/2013
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