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8E Consent 2013 1202
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Packet 2013 1202
8E Consent 2013 1202
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12/13/2013 2:32:19 PM
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11/27/2013 5:15:02 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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<br /> Measure L (2012): The San Leandro Unified School District tapped LEG to quarterback a much <br />needed Parcel Tax Measure following an election defeat some years ago on a similar measure <br />attempted (LEG did not represent SLUSD on the previous failed measure). Following <br />extremely difficult negotiation sessions with union leadership (the District was undergoing <br />negotiations at the time), large property owners and the Chamber, and a highly successful <br />interactive outreach program soliciting input from scores of San Leandrans, Measure L was <br />enacted with a come-from-behind victory in November 2012. <br /> <br />LEG’s extensive experience in your City—including our direct experience with the often challenging <br />but effective and fruitful process of building consensus across coalitions of San Leandro <br />stakeholders—makes LEG uniquely qualified to serve the City’s needs at this time. LEG and its <br />recommended opinion research firm of Godbe Research are prepared to initiate services in October <br />on behalf of a potential November 2014 revenue measure. As our previous collaboration and <br />experience dictate, while ample planning time exists, due to unique nuances within the City of San <br />Leandro, we do need to get started as soon as possible in the month of October. <br /> <br />KEY CONSIDERATIONS <br /> <br />Despite the successful enactment of Measure Z, in today’s slowly recovering economy LEG has <br />advised its clients that passage of upcoming measures cannot be taken for granted, even for those <br />cities that have enjoyed past support at the ballot box. Consider the following: <br /> <br /> As with Measure Z, the unique nuances of a Council election year must be carefully considered as <br />we evaluate the viability of any potential revenue measure. <br /> <br /> 75 cities had local revenue measures on the November 2012 ballot. 80% of those cities seeking <br />simple majority requirement measures, passed. Of those cities seeking 2/3s-requirement measures, <br />only one-third were successful. Based on past polling and election results we have conducted and <br />analyzed in the City of San Leandro, our initial gut instinct is that a two-thirds requirement <br />measure for infrastructure would be extremely difficult to pass. Therefore we would strongly <br />recommend that the City consider the flexibility of a second general purpose sales tax that could be <br />bonded against for infrastructure. As discussed, this would require proceeding in a regularly <br />scheduled municipal election unless a fiscal emergency was unanimously declared by the City <br />Council, which is likely not to be feasible. <br /> <br /> The volume of local revenue measures has remained consistent over the last three presidential <br />years and has not diminished, despite the tough economy. Our past experience with the <br />community of San Leandro is that its constituents value substantive information from the City <br />about its fiscal needs and community service delivery challenges. As in our past <br />collaborations, it will be necessary to implement a comprehensive communications program to <br />your constituents to update them and keep them informed about any infrastructure needs. <br />
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