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<br />collaboration with your City Attorney, ensuring that any material issued by the City is legally <br />permissible. <br /> <br />Phase Three <br /> <br />In the Measure Z model, LEG terminated its services following placement of the measure on an <br />Election Day ballot and went on to represent the Community Campaign upon the natural conclusion <br />of our services to the City. However, this model only works if a third party information-disseminator <br />exists to pass the information baton to. <br /> <br />Whether our past Measure Z model will still be appropriate in 2014 is dependent upon the <br />infrastructure projects and services contemplated in any future measure, and specifically whether an <br />organized constituency is interested in any of these projects or services. As an example, measures <br />that address street and road repair rarely have organized entities who can carry an advocacy <br />campaign, so the LEG cities we’ve represented on these types of issues have found themselves in the <br />position of being the primary or sole information disseminator even after placement of a measure on <br />the ballot. <br /> <br />Continuing to issue legally permissible factual information following placement of a measure on the <br />ballot is not unusual for cities. For example, in the cities of El Cerrito, La Mirada and Moraga where <br />infrastructure revenue measures were implemented, LEG continued to be engaged with each of these <br />cities up through Election Day. Whether we will be continuing our partnership during a Phase Three <br />period (August-November 2014) will be assessed and decided on later in the project period. <br /> <br />PROFESSIONAL FEES <br /> <br />As a returning client, LEG is pleased to offer a cost-effective proposal in meeting the City’s current <br />needs. LEG’s proposed fee for preparing for a potential November 2014 measure is $49,500 prorated <br />over the anticipated project period for Phases One and Two of the project, which is anticipated to <br />commence in October 2013 and conclude in July 2014. <br /> <br />Please remember that LEG’s professional fee the City’s cost to retain The Lew Edwards Group’s <br />(LEG’s) strategic expertise, including overall project direction and advice, strategy, planning, and <br />assessment. Professional fees are for strategic services only -- and do not include “hard” project costs <br />such as polling, mailing data, postage, printing and design of Public Education materials, mailers, or <br />brochures. If you haven’t already received it, please expect to receive a separate polling proposal <br />from Godbe Research. <br /> <br />A recommended Public Education project budget will be presented to the City by LEG in Phase Two, <br />when survey results have been analyzed and we have a good understanding of the degree of <br />outreach necessary for your constituents. <br />