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File Number: 13-569 <br />million in State TOD Grant Program funds. The project has received approximately $22 <br />million in State Proposition 1C grant funding for eligible infrastructure costs: $10.3 <br />million from TOD and $11.7 million from Infill Infrastructure Grant Program (IIG). While <br />the State awarded the $11.7 million directly to BRIDGE, the $10.3 million was jointly <br />awarded to the City and BRIDGE. Therefore, BRIDGE and the City will need to enter <br />into a memorandum of understanding, which will describe the rights and responsibilities <br />of the City and BRIDGE regarding the TOD grant funds, and an indemnity agreement. <br />The resolution under consideration tonight authorizes the City Council to direct the City <br />Manager to negotiate and execute the MOU and indemnity agreements. <br />BRIDGE is preparing to apply to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC) in <br />early March 2014 for low income housing tax credits for the 115 units in Phase 1. CDLAC will <br />announce tax credit awards in June 2014 and BRIDGE anticipates starting construction in Fall <br />2014. For Phase 2, BRIDGE expects to apply for tax credits in Summer 2015. <br />Previous Actions <br />·April 6, 2009 - City Council approved the OPLA for a $9.1 million Housing Set-Aside <br />Loan to BRIDGE Housing for a 100-unit affordable rental housing development (“The <br />Alameda”). <br />·July 20, 2009 - City Council approved planning entitlements and environmental <br />clearance under CEQA for the Cornerstone at 1400 San Leandro Boulevard and BART <br />replacement parking. <br />·April 9, 2012 - Staff from the City’s Community Development Department, BRIDGE <br />Housing, Westlake Development Partners, and OSIsoft presented the revised San <br />Leandro Crossings Master Plan at a City Council Work Session. <br />·June 18, 2012 - City Council approved amendments to the OPLA primarily related to <br />outstanding issues/concerns with the State at the time. However, these amendments <br />became unnecessary once the City, BRIDGE and the State resolved all issues relating <br />to Proposition 1C grant funding requirements. Therefore, neither the City nor BRIDGE <br />has executed the 2012 amended OPLA, rendering it null. <br />·May 16, 2013 - BRIDGE and City staff presented to the City Council the development <br />scope of work and architectural designs for the current 200 unit affordable rental <br />housing development including a Phase 1 (115 workforce/family units) and Phase 2 (85 <br />senior units). <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy 3.01: MIX OF UNIT TYPES <br />Encourage a mix of residential development types in the City, including single family <br />homes on a variety of lot sizes, as well as townhomes, row houses, live-work units, <br />planned unit developments, and multi-family housing. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/26/2013