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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE 1 CITY COUNCIL <br /> (i) City Councilmember of the City of San Leandro, past or present; <br /> (ii) City employee whose death occurred during the discharge of duty; <br /> (iii) City employee or retiree having served the City for 25 or more years. <br /> (2) Upon authority issuing from the City Manager's Office, similar recognition may be <br /> given in the case of a prominent citizen not holding or having held public office, <br /> whose accomplishments and contributions to the community clearly demonstrated a <br /> commitment over and beyond that which would be normally associated with the per- <br /> formance of work. <br /> (3) Flags will be lowered to half-mast as soon as practicable following notification of <br /> death of the above, and will ordinarily be continued until after the conclusion of burial <br /> services. In the event current notice is not given or the date of funeral is unknown, as <br /> is frequently the case, flags will be lowered for 48 hours from the day of notification. <br /> (4) Any person having definite knowledge of a death requiring City acknowledgment <br /> should immediately advise the City Manager's Office as the central point for notifi- <br /> cation of those responsible for handling our flags. Should contact with this office be <br /> impracticable, the information should be given, in order, to the Director of Public <br /> Works Services or to the Police Chief, who will then become responsible for taking <br /> action in conformity with the policy herein outlined. <br /> * Reference: U.S. Flag Code, adopted by the United States Congress, as amended by Congress and the President of the United <br /> States. <br /> 0.7.115: COUNCIL ACTION. <br /> The City Council, upon notification of the death of the above stated, may elect to adjourn a City <br /> Council meeting in respect of the deceased. <br /> ARTICLE 2 POLICY ON RAISING FLAGS <br /> 0.7.200: POLICY ON RAISING FLAGS AT CITY HALL. <br /> The purpose of this administrative policy is to establish a uniform policy to govern the raising of <br /> special flags at City Hall. <br /> 0.7.205: APPLICABILITY. <br /> As a general rile, special designation flags (such United Nations flag, flag of a Sister City, Chil- <br /> dren's Memorial Flag, etc.) will be raised only upon the direction of the Mayor or City Manager. <br /> Such flags will only be flown at City Hall, and when raised, shall replace the flag of the City of San <br /> Leandro, not the flag of the United States or the flag of the State of California. <br /> Department Responsible for Revision: City Clerk Chapter 1.7 <br /> 11/21/2005 Page 2 <br />