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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE 1 CITY COUNCIL <br /> Chapter 8 Banner Policy <br /> 0.8.100: PURPOSE. <br /> The purpose of this administrative policy is to establish a process by which overhead and Decora- <br /> tive banner and similar decorations installation requests are approved, denied, and financed by <br /> commercial or San Leandro-based nonprofit organizations. Except as otherwise permitted by this <br /> Chapter and the relevant provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code, no encroachment within <br /> the public right of way shall be permitted. <br /> The activity being advertised must benefit a San Leandro nonprofit organization, applicant, or ac- <br /> tivity for the betterment of the community, or must be financially supported by the City of San <br /> Leandro. <br /> 0.8.105: DEFINITIONS. <br /> (a) Overhead Banner. "Overhead Banner" means a banner suspended over the public road- <br /> way, attached at both ends to an electrolier, outdoor advertising stricture, or building. <br /> (b) Decorative Banner. "Decorative Banner" means a banner suspended over the public road- <br /> way or sidewalk, attached to a single electrolier. <br /> 0.8.110: POLICY. <br /> Banners that are strictly of a commercial nature shall not be installed in the City of San Leandro, <br /> except in accordance with §1.8.111 of this chapter. For the purpose of this policy, a banner of a <br /> "commercial nature" is one which directs attention to a commodity, product, service, attraction, or <br /> event that is sold or offered for sale or for a charge by a commercial enterprise or which in any way <br /> promotes a commercial enterprise or its products. A "commercial enterprise" is an institution, busi- <br /> ness, or enterprise conducted for profit. <br /> This prohibition shall not apply to banners announcing a community, charitable, or non-profit event <br /> which is jointly sponsored by a commercial enterprise and displaying on such banner the identifica- <br /> tion of such commercial enterprise solely by name and/or trademark. Banners shall be permitted <br /> only for events and programs that celebrate and/or increase awareness of a significant occasion. <br /> Organizations must demonstrate how the proposed banners are linked to a comprehensive public <br /> relations or marketing program that serves the same purpose for which the banners are requested. <br /> In the event that a commercial enterprise wishes to have a sponsorship logo or company name on <br /> its banners, it shall be limited to no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total banner, with <br /> all lettering on the banner maintained at an equal size ratio. <br /> The City shall not endorse or oppose political or religious viewpoints in the implementation of this <br /> policy and, as such, overhead or decorative banners of a political or religious nature shall not be <br /> installed in the City of San Leandro. For the purpose of this policy, a banner of a "political or reli- <br /> gious nature" is a banner that supports or opposes a candidate, issue or cause, or which advocates <br /> or opposes a religion, political position or belief. <br /> Department Responsible for Revision: City Clerk Chapter 1.8 <br /> 05/21/2012 Page 1 <br />