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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE 1 CITY COUNCIL <br /> Chapter 3 Reimbursement for Expenses <br /> §1.3.100: {RESERVED}. <br /> X1.3.105: {RESERVED}. <br /> §1.3.110: TRAVEL PER DIEM. <br /> Pursuant to Charter §255, the City Council finds and declares that the sum of one hundred dollars <br /> ($100) per full day and fifty dollars ($50) per one-half day is hereby fixed and determined as <br /> reasonable expenses to be allowed each member of the City Council when traveling on official duty <br /> for all out-of-pocket expenses other than transportation and hotel expenses. For purposes of this <br /> section, a full day is defined as including that period in which a member of the City Council will be <br /> away from home for all meals. A one-half day is defined as including that period in which a <br /> member of the City Council will be away from home for breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner or <br /> dinner only. Upon presentation of receipts for out-of-pocket transportation and hotel expenses <br /> incurred, each member of the City Council shall be reimbursed for said expense. Reimbursable <br /> transportation expenses shall be limited to airfare, including conveyance to and from the airport, <br /> other reasonable conveyance costs pertaining to the official duty. Reimbursable hotel expense shall <br /> be limited to lodging, telephone charges for official business and applicable taxes. <br /> §1.3.115: TRAVEL FOR OTHER AGENCIES. <br /> Members of the City Council may be reimbursed for all actual and reasonable expenses incurred <br /> when traveling on official business as ex officio members of another public agency or body to <br /> which the City is a member. Such reimbursement shall be only to the extent of actual and reason- <br /> able expenses and not otherwise reimbursed by such public body and shall be in lieu of the sum <br /> fixed by §1.3.110 hereof. <br /> &1.3.120: REIMBURSEMENT FOR USE OF TECHNOLOGY. <br /> Members of the City Council may be reimbursed for expenses incurred for Internet E-Mail Pro- <br /> vider service, Fax Machine telephone line service, Cell Phone service (City business only), Elec- <br /> tronic Datebook service, and like expenses for a combined reimbursement of up to, but not exceed- <br /> ing, one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175) per month. <br /> Legislative History: <br /> Resolution No. 80-45, 03/24/1980 [§§1.3.100-1.3.105]; Resolution No. 83-95, 05/16/1983 [§§1.3.100-1.3.115]; Reso- <br /> lution No. 91-67, 05/06/1991 [§§1.3.100-1.3.115];Resolution No. 2001-192, 1110512001 [§§1.3.100-1.3.120]; Resolu- <br /> tionNo. 2004-060,04/12/2004 [§§1.3.100-1.3.120];Resolution No.2005-156, 11/21/2005 [§§1.3.100-1.3.105] <br /> Department Responsible for Revision: City Clerk Chapter 1.3 <br /> 11/21/2005 Page 1 <br />