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Agmt 2013 San Leandro Improvement Association
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2013 San Leandro Improvement Association
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Last modified
12/17/2013 10:47:44 AM
Creation date
12/17/2013 10:47:40 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2013-149
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District(the"District Revenues"). SLIA shall notify City in writing as soon as SLIA is aware that <br /> District Revenues are insufficient or not available to perform duties specified in the District Plan. <br /> 2. Method of Performing Disbursement Duties. The method, details and means of performing the <br /> disbursement of District Revenues shall be as described in the District Plan attached hereto as <br /> Exhibit A, and as set forth herein (the "Disbursement Duties"). In the event of any conflict <br /> between the District Plan and this Agreement, disbursement of District Revenues shall be for the <br /> special benefits described in the District Plan. <br /> 3. District Term. SLIA's Disbursement Duties shall begin on December 15th 2013, or as soon as the <br /> first year Assessments have been transferred to the SLIA. SLIA shall complete their Disbursement <br /> Duties by December 31, 2028, subject to the annual review and termination provisions in section <br /> 13 of this Agreement. <br /> 4. SLIA Responsibilities. <br /> 4.1. Program Implementation and Operation. SLIA shall be fully responsible for developing, <br /> implementing, directing and operating the District Plan. SLIA assumes all responsibility for <br /> completing activities required to implement the District Plan and its programs. <br /> 4.2. Competitive Bidding. SLIA shall competitively bid all contracts over$15,000 and shall keep <br /> and provide copies of all bids submitted for review to any affected property owners or to the <br /> City upon request. The lowest bidder will not necessarily receive the contract that is bid. The <br /> quality, performance and experience of bidding contractor shall be taken into consideration <br /> prior to the awarding of that contract. The maximum contract term shall be three years for <br /> competitively bid projects. <br /> 4.3. Separate Bank Account for District Revenues. All District Revenues received by SLIA <br /> pursuant to this Agreement shall be held in a bank account separate and apart from any other <br /> funds managed or administered by SLIA, and shall not be co-mingled with any other funds <br /> (the "Account"). Copies of all SLIA District Revenue Account statements shall be made <br /> available to the City upon request. SLIA shall provide the City with evidence of the <br /> establishment of the required District Revenue Account prior to the City transferring any <br /> Assessments to the SLIA. <br /> 4.4. Use of Downtown San Leandro Community Benefit District or SLIA Name.The name <br /> "Downtown San Leandro Community Benefit District"or the "San Leandro Improvement <br /> Association" as its management corporation, or an appropriate abbreviation, shall appear on all <br /> marketing and promotional materials funded in part or in whole by District Revenues. <br /> 4.5. Reporting to Property Owners within the District. A statement of activities/programs funded <br /> by District Revenues, and the cost of each such activity or program shall be mailed to every <br /> property owner within the District by December 31st of each year during the Term (the <br /> "Activity Statement"). A copy of the Activity Statement and a list of property owner names <br /> and addresses shall be provided to the City no later than December 15th of each year during <br /> the Term. <br /> -3 - <br />
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