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5.2.1 Conduct reviews and or audits of any Assessment related data; verify Assessment data <br /> as compiled by any consultant, sub-consultant,or other party hired by SLIA; perform <br /> field or on-site inspections to verify the accuracy of Assessment data or investigate any <br /> Property owner claims concerning the accuracy of any Assessment data. <br /> 5.2.2 Recalculate the Assessment amount due and request the Alameda County Auditor- <br /> Controller(the"CAC")to make the requested adjustments. Provided however, that if <br /> the CAC does not honor the City's request to recalculate the Assessment the City shall <br /> not be liable in any way for any Assessments other than its own, and shall not be <br /> obligated to pursue any action against the CAC to obtain any adjustment or <br /> recalculation. <br /> 5.3 Disbursements. The annual District Assessments will be collected through the County property <br /> tax collection procedures and will be transmitted to the City pursuant to agreements between <br /> the City and County. Except for the costs defined in Paragraph 5.3.4, below, City shall disburse <br /> the collected Assessments to SLIA pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. <br /> The City shall not be obligated to disburse Assessments which have not been collected. Upon <br /> request by SLIA and with approval of the City subject to compliance with this Agreement,any <br /> Assessments received by the City that are in excess of the annual Assessment (penalties, late- <br /> payments,etc.) shall be disbursed to the SLIA upon receipt. <br /> 5.3.1 Assessment Disbursement Schedule. Contingent upon receipt of District Assessment <br /> funds from the County of Alameda and contingent upon SLIA's compliance with this <br /> Agreement and the District Plan, the City shall disburse to the SLIA the Assessments <br /> received from the County on or about the following dates and in accordance with the <br /> following percentages. Said disbursements shall include an accounting of the property <br /> Assessments paid per parcel. On or about: <br /> • December 18th The full amount transferred by the County to the City in the <br /> December installment. Plus 50%of the annual Assessments <br /> received and collected by the City for tax-exempt and publicly <br /> owned parcels within the District. <br /> April 30 The full amount transferred by the County to the City in the <br /> April installment. Plus 50% of the annual Assessments <br /> received and collected by the City for tax-exempt and publicly <br /> owned parcels within the District. <br /> June 20th Any additional Assessment amounts transferred to the City <br /> that were collected during the fiscal year(terminating on June <br /> 30th)and transferred to the City, shall be forwarded to SLIA <br /> based on the schedule set forth in 5.3.1 herein above. Said <br /> additional amounts may include any delinquency or penalty <br /> amounts from the late or non-payment of Assessments by any <br /> property owner in the District. <br /> 5.4 Subsequent Adjustments. If there is an adjustment in the Disbursement due to changes <br /> in receipts of the District, such Disbursement may be adjusted in the following year. The <br /> - 7 - <br />