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File Number: 13-629 <br />(2) Professional and Non -Professional Service Contracts valued at or above twenty-five <br />thousand dollars ($25,000.00); <br />(3) Contracts for the procurement of goods, materials, equipment, furnishings or supplies <br />valued at or above five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). <br />With respect to special services and professional personal services contracts, no provision or <br />requirement of this ordinance shall supersede or pre-empt the City's powers to contract with <br />and employ any persons for the furnishing to the City special services as described in <br />California Government Code section 53060, and California Government Code section 4526, <br />including but not limited to advice in financial, economic, accounting, engineering, legal or <br />administrative matters if such persons are specially trained and experienced and competent to <br />perform the special services required. The City shall have the sole discretion to determine <br />what bases of competence and professional qualifications are necessary for the satisfactory <br />performance of the services required. <br />(e) Local Business Preference <br />Whenever a competitive process is utilized by the City of San Leandro to award a contract <br />identified in Section 1-6-225(c)(1), the following shall apply: <br />(1) Solely for the purpose of calculating the lowest bid or proposal, a sum equal to ten <br />percent (10%) of the total bid, or of the base bid and each alternate, of the proposal shall be <br />deducted from the amount of the total bid, or the base bid and each alternate, respectively, of <br />the bid or the proposal of a Contractor, Prime Contractor or supplier whose principal place of <br />business is located within the City of San Leandro. If, after performing the above calculation <br />there is a tie for the lowest bid the Contractor, Prime Contractor or supplier whose principal <br />place of business is located within the City of San Leandro shall be deemed the lowest bid <br />subject to the qualifications concerning responsibility, as required by law. If the tie bidders <br />both have as their principal places of business the City of San Leandro, then the City Council <br />shall draw lots to determine to whom to award the contract. <br />(2) Solely for the purpose of calculating the lowest bid a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the <br />total bid, or of the base bid and each alternate, or the proposal shall be deducted from the <br />amount of the total bid, or the base bid and each alternate, respectively, of a bid or proposal <br />submitted by a Contractor, Prime Contractor or supplier that is a joint venture wherein one of <br />the joint venturers is a business that has as its principal place of business, its headquarters, or <br />a significant portion of its operations within the City of San Leandro. <br />(3) Under no circumstances shall the real dollar amount of the percentage applied under <br />sections (a) or (b) exceed $50,000 in the reduction of the lowest bid, or the base bid and each <br />alternate, or the proposal respectively. <br />(f) Local Business Participation Goal <br />(1) Prior to award of a contract governed by this Chapter that is or exceeds $100,000, the <br />Contractor, Prime Contractor or supplier shall engage in good faith efforts to hire or contract <br />with San Leandro businesses, nonprofit organizations or residents to perform the contract with <br />the goal that at least 25% of the total contract dollar amount is spent on local businesses. <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 12123/2013 <br />