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Next Generation Next Steps <br />San Leandro has numerous programs to leverage private <br />investment and attract restaurants, improve public transit, <br />lighting, and bike lanes. The City also is in the process of <br />updating its zoning code to remove barriers and increase <br />the vitality of the area. <br />Significant infrastructure investment is needed to <br />strengthen the roads that bisect San Leandro's industrial <br />areas. Specifically, streetscape improvements to north - <br />south and east -west arterials are needed to create <br />attractive and complete streets and a sense of place. Public <br />investments in signage, accent paving, sidewalks, cross- <br />walks, bulb -outs, bike lanes, enhanced transit facilities, <br />street trees, street lighting and landscaping will make the <br />district a more desirable location for workers. <br />Energy and Momentum throughout San Leandro <br />The Next Generation Work Place District is part of a citywide movement that includes Transit -Oriented <br />Development in Downtown San Leandro, a new high-rise, Class -A office complex, and development of a <br />52 -acre site on the city's shoreline. Additionally, a new, state-of-the-art Kaiser Permanente Medical Center <br />is opening in April 2014 bringing over 2,000 employees and thousands of visitors to the industrial area. <br />Finally, a maker community is growing in San Leandro as technology entrepreneurs take advantage of the <br />Lit San Leandro fiber optic network and flexible, industrial real estate. <br />Funding Request <br />San Leandro is leveraging public and private dollars to implement the Next Generation Workplace District <br />vision. To realize these opportunities, San Leandro is seeking funding assistance for infrastructure projects <br />including streetscape improvements to fully realize the potential of the industrial area as the place in the <br />Bay Area for advanced manufacturing. <br />