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Creek Walk Project Overview <br />The City of San Leandro is seeking a grant to design an ur- <br />ban creek walk and develop an implementation strategy for <br />the creation of the walk along a three quarter mile stretch of <br />San Leandro Creek from East 14th Street in Downtown San <br />Leandro to the Southern Pacific Railroad. San Leandro Creek <br />runs four miles East to West, through Downtown San <br />Leandro, and there is little public access. An urban creek <br />walk promotes healthy living, supports economic develop- <br />ment downtown, and restores access to the creek reconnect- <br />ing the community with our waterways. <br />`A5, y} , .�iy.�,, ° art: # '*.,_ f �''' ° ` k • � <br />y' <br />_, t- <br />,x� r <br />rr `�l_II—nnaYe _ <br />The goals of the creek walk include: <br />o Public access to the creek <br />o Restoration of the creek banks and bed <br />o Increased open space for the community The Creekside Plaza <br />o Opportunities for walking and healthy activity 250,000 square foot <br />o Added attraction and access to Downtown office development <br />o Creation of a natural setting in an urban included the creation of <br />environment where the community can - the first 100 foot <br />connect to nature and explore a stretch of creek walk. <br />Creek Walk Funding Request <br />A grant would allow the City to work with the community, Friends <br />of San Leandro Creek and landowners along the creek (the City <br />s I currently owns approximately half of the land) to create a design <br />and implementation plan; determine the costs; explore <br />partnerships and other funding; and develop a sustainable <br />maintenance and operation plan. <br />