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In reviewing the policies of these entities, and speaking with representatives of several of the <br />entities as well as organizations overseeing/ evaluating these policies, it is clear that there are <br />varying and significant degrees of complexity depending on that entity's policy priorities, <br />management capacity and how they are administered, and length of experience with the <br />programs. Each policy, and the programs that grow from that policy, must therefore be based on <br />local priorities and circumstances. This proposed San Leandro Local Inclusion Policy, then, <br />establishes the foundation for the development and growth of an effective set of programs to <br />benefit both local businesses and workers. <br />The Working Group's purpose to date has been to establish a baseline policy in order that the <br />City and community can establish and provide local enterprises meaningful incentives in their <br />bidding for City work. <br />City of Richmond: <br />a. Business Opportunity Ordinance - <br />http: / / <br />b. First Source Agreement - Local Hiring - <br />httb: / / /DocumentCenter/Home /View/ 3891 <br />City of Oakland: <br />a. Programs: <br />httb: / / /Government /o / CitvAdministration /d / CP/index.htm <br />b. Contracting Opportunities: <br />http:/ / <br />htm <br />County of Alameda: <br />http: / /www. acgov. org/ auditor/ sleb /overview. htm <br />BART: <br />­business/ocr/SB-Program-Overview <br />Port of Oakland: <br />http:/ / <br />City & County of San Francisco: <br />http://sf sg <br />