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JPA, CSAC-EIA Amended: February 28, 2006 <br /> (1) Receive and acknowledge receipt for all funds of the Authority and place them in <br /> the treasury of the Treasurer to the credit of the Authority. <br /> (2) Be responsible upon his or her official bond for the safekeeping and <br /> disbursements of all Authority funds so held by him or her. <br /> (3) Pay any sums due from the Authority, as approved for payment by the Board of <br /> Directors or by any body or person to whom the Board has delegated approval authority, making such <br /> payments from Authority funds upon warrants drawn by the Auditor. <br /> (4) Verify and report in writing to the Authority and to members, as of the first day of <br /> each quarter of the fiscal year, the amount of money then held for the Authority, the amount of receipts <br /> since the last report, and the amount paid out since the last report. <br /> (c) Pursuant to Government Code Section 6505.1, the Chief Executive Officer, the <br /> Treasurer, and such other persons as the Board of Directors may designate shall have charge of, handle, <br /> and have access to the property of the Authority. <br /> (d) The Authority shall secure and pay for a fidelity bond or bonds, in an amount or amounts <br /> and in the form specified by the Board of Directors, covering all officers and staff of the Authority, and all <br /> officers and staff who are authorized to have charge of, handle, and have access to property of the <br /> Authority. <br /> ARTICLE 17 <br /> RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERS <br /> Members shall have the following responsibilities under this Agreement. <br /> (a) The board of supervisors of each member county shall appoint a representative and one <br /> alternate representative to the Board of Directors, pursuant to Article 7. <br /> (b) Each member shall appoint an officer or employee of the member to be responsible for <br /> the risk management function for that member and to serve as a liaison between the member and the <br /> Authority for all matters relating to risk management. <br /> (c) Each member shall maintain an active safety program, and shall consider and act upon <br /> all recommendations of the Authority concerning the reduction of unsafe practices. <br /> (d) Each member shall maintain its own claims and loss records in each category of liability <br /> covered by an insurance program of the Authority in which the member is a participant, and shall provide <br /> copies of such records to the Authority as directed by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee, or <br /> to such other committee as directed by the Board or Executive Committee. <br /> (e) Each member shall pay development charges, premiums, and premium surcharges due <br /> to the Authority as required under Article 14. Penalties for late payment of such charges, premiums <br /> and/or premium surcharges shall be as determined and assessed by the Board of Directors. After <br /> withdrawal, cancellation, or termination action under Articles 20, 21, or 23, each member shall pay <br /> promptly to the Authority any additional premiums due, as determined and assessed by the Board of <br /> Page 13 of 21 <br />