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Agmt 2013 California State Association of Counties Excess Insurance Authority CSAC-EIA
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2013 California State Association of Counties Excess Insurance Authority CSAC-EIA
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2013-148
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JPA, CSAC-EIA Amended: February 28, 2006 <br /> (g) The Board shall develop, or cause to be developed, and shall review, modify as <br /> necessary, and adopt each insurance program of the Authority, including all provisions for reinsurance <br /> and administrative services necessary to carry out such program. <br /> (h) The Board, directly or through the Executive Committee, shall provide for necessary <br /> services to the Authority and to members, by contract or otherwise, which may include, but shall not be <br /> limited to, risk management consulting, loss prevention and control, centralized loss reporting, actuarial <br /> consulting, claims adjusting, and legal services. <br /> (i) The Board shall provide general supervision and policy direction to the Chief Executive <br /> Officer. <br /> (j) The Board shall receive and act upon reports of the committees and the Chief Executive <br /> Officer. <br /> (k) The Board shall act upon each claim involving liability of the Authority, directly or by <br /> delegation of authority to the Executive Committee or other committee, body or person, provided, that the <br /> Board shall establish monetary limits upon any delegation of claims settlement authority, beyond which a <br /> proposed settlement must be referred to the Board for approval. <br /> (I) The Board may require that the Authority review, audit, report upon, and make <br /> recommendations with regard to the safety or claims administration functions of any member, insofar as <br /> those functions affect the liability or potential liability of the Authority. The Board may forward any or all <br /> such recommendations to the member with a request for compliance and a statement of potential <br /> consequences for noncompliance. <br /> (m) The Board shall receive, review and act upon periodic reports and audits of the funds of <br /> the Authority, as required under Articles 15 and 16 of this Agreement. <br /> (n) The Board may, upon consultation with a casualty actuary, declare that any funds <br /> established for any program has a surplus of funds and determine a formula to return such surplus to the <br /> participating counties and participating public entities which have contributed to such fund. <br /> (o) The Board shall have such other powers and duties as are reasonably necessary to carry <br /> out the purposes of the Authority. <br /> ARTICLE 9 <br /> MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS <br /> (a) The Board shall hold at least one regular meeting each year and shall provide for such <br /> other regular meetings and for such special meetings as it deems necessary. <br /> (b) The Chief Executive Officer of the Authority shall provide for the keeping of minutes of <br /> regular and special meetings of the Board, and shall provide a copy of the minutes to each member of the <br /> Board at the next scheduled meeting. <br /> Page 7 of 21 <br />
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