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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - September 18, 1995 Page - 3 - <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) <br /> F. Sara Frisbee, 834 Juana Avenue, expressed concern regarding the length <br /> of the humps because her car is very low and she will have to travel <br /> across the humps very slowly; she said she is concerned she will be <br /> rear-ended. <br /> G. Les Harrington, 732 Estudillo Avenue, said he is concerned the humps <br /> will generate traffic onto Estudillo Avenue, which is already heavily <br /> burdened. He said additional traffic would make it even more difficult <br /> for residents on Estudillo to get in and out of their driveways. <br /> H. David Lundberg, 786 Dolores Avenue, said his car was hit while parked <br /> in front of his home and the mirror was damaged. He said the speed <br /> humps are a fantastic idea, but because Dolores is so long, more speed <br /> humps are needed. <br /> I . John Carroll , 763 Estudillo Avenue, said traffic has continually <br /> increased. Humps on other streets will increase traffic on Estudillo. <br /> He said all streets should be treated equitably or nothing should be <br /> done. <br /> J. Douglas Kreiss, 841 Estudillo Avenue, said traffic controls need to be <br /> installed on Estudillo Avenue also. All streets should be treated <br /> equally or drivers from the other streets will use Estudillo. <br /> K. Jane Hudson, 834 Juana Avenue, discussed the various east-west streets <br /> on the north end of San Leandro. She said the speed humps will be <br /> hazardous during an earthquake, and she does not like the circles. She <br /> said the City should utilize electronic ticketing devices. <br /> L. Tom Hudson, 834 Juana Avenue, said he is opposed to the speed humps; <br /> this is taking easy steps to resolve the problem. He said the City <br /> Council should have Bill Lockyer provide a waiver to allow lower speed <br /> limits than the 25 mph prima facie limit. He said the police do not <br /> enforce the speed limit laws. <br /> M. David Seyranian, 918 Estudillo Avenue, said he is opposed to the pilot <br /> program. He said its goal is to divert traffic to reduce speed, and <br /> the traffic will move to Estudillo Avenue. He said Estudillo Avenue <br /> residents were promised they would also receive speed humps. He said <br /> the success of the pilot program should be quantifiable. <br /> N. John Carlson, 721 Joaquin Avenue, thanked staff for working on this as <br /> soon as the problem was brought to their attention. He said the pilot <br /> program is a start, but he asked if the program is funded for the next <br /> phase. He said Estudillo Avenue should be included in the program. <br /> 0. Victor Varrial , 1251 San Jose Street, said he is concerned traffic will <br /> be diverted to Estudillo. He said people now travel 40 mph on <br /> Estudillo, and something is needed to slow traffic down. He said there <br /> is a lot of noise and dirt. <br />