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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 4, 1993 Page - 12 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Council Member Kerr said he is concerned that there may be many more of <br /> these types of Applications and asked if this would be detrimental to <br /> the neighborhood. Mr. Penaranda said the density would remain the same <br /> for any other Applications, so he did not see any detriment to the <br /> neighborhood. He said this is a single-lot subdivision. . He said there <br /> is a perception that this divides the parcel into three, small lots; <br /> however, he said, in fact, this will remain a single, 15,040-square- <br /> foot lot, and the three owners of the three units will share ownership <br /> of the lot. <br /> Council Member Kerr asked who would administer the CC&R's. Mr. <br /> Penaranda said a homeowners' association will be created. In response <br /> to questions, he said the driveway would be removed and replaced <br /> because it is in poor condition and causes drainage problems. The <br /> fence will also be modified to match the existing fencing. <br /> Council Member Kerr asked if any successor in interests would be <br /> required to conform to the Conditions and how he would be notified. He <br /> said he was concerned that Condition I .B. says that the Applicant would <br /> inform buyers and said the wording was unclear. It was pointed out <br /> that the CC&R's would be recorded and that is how the information would <br /> be passed on to any successors. <br /> In response to questions from Council Member Perry, Mr. Penaranda <br /> pointed out where the seven parking spaces would be located on the <br /> property. He said the only construction work would be the concrete <br /> work, the modifications to the fence and the mailbox, and the <br /> insulation to meet the condominium noise requirement. <br /> In response to questions from Mayor Karp, Mr. Penaranda said the lot is <br /> 15,040 square feet and there are three units. He said the Zoning Code <br /> provides that a single-family home in front and a two-family unit in <br /> the rear can be built on lots in the 0 zone which exceed 14,000 square <br /> feet. <br /> Dale Hansen, 2291 West Avenue 133rd, the Applicant, said the duplex <br /> unit was built in 1985, and each unit is 1 ,200 square feet. He said <br /> all of the work was done with permits. He said the carport was built <br /> in 1984, also with permits. He said some people have the misconception <br /> that the proposal is for a lot split. He said he thinks owner <br /> occupants will take better care of property. He said many people could <br /> not afford to buy the house and the duplex, but they may be able to <br /> afford a condominium. He said he feels the area is deteriorating <br /> because of renters and may get into an absentee-owner situation. Mr. <br /> Hansen said he agrees with all of the Conditions imposed by the <br /> Planning Commission and said the Fire Department has checked the site <br /> for adequate access. <br />