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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 4, 1993 Page - 13 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Council Member Faria asked what the time table would be to form the <br /> condominium homeowners association. Mr. Penaranda said the zoning <br /> approval would be good for a year, and the next step would be a <br /> condominium conversion and a Tentative Map. He said those will come <br /> back before the Planning Commission and the City Council . He said the <br /> Conditions of the condominium conversion don't take effect until the <br /> conversion is approved. He said the CC&R's would be recorded at that <br /> point. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Al Rosenga, 534 Parrott Street, said he has been working with the City <br /> on the new Zoning Code. He said the amount of parking for the proposed <br /> condominiums does not include off-street parking for visitors. He said <br /> the Ordinance requires one space per bedroom plus additional space for <br /> visitors. He said there is nothing in the CC&R' s that say the units <br /> cannot be rented out by the owners. He also pointed out the approval <br /> of this re-zone would establish a precedent and that perhaps it could <br /> be delayed until the Zoning Code is completed. <br /> Mr. Penaranda said the present, on-site parking requirement is five <br /> spaces. He said there is no multi-residential parking requirement in <br /> the 0 District, so the parking was based upon two spaces per unit, plus <br /> one extra space. <br /> In response to a question from the Council , Steve Meyers, City <br /> Attorney, said it was not possible to make owner occupancy a Condition <br /> of Approval . <br /> Marcie Powell , 5300 Maxmillian, Salida, said she was raised in the <br /> Mulford Garden area but could not afford to purchase a home there so <br /> moved out into the central valley. She said there are many young <br /> people who have moved into the valley for this reason. She said they <br /> are people who care about their community and get involved in graffiti <br /> removal , litter removal , and serving on various advisory boards. She <br /> said her mother has a unit in Mulford Gardens and her visitors park on <br /> the street. She said this kind of housing would make it possible for <br /> people like her to afford to live in Mulford Gardens. <br /> Carl Mineboo, 1573 Daniels Drive, said he has property in the Mulford <br /> Gardens area. He said he thinks this is a good idea. He said he <br /> constantly has to tell his tenants to cut bushes and mow the lawn. . He <br /> thinks this is a good thing to do. <br /> George Williams, 11757 Casa Linda Court, Dublin, said his mother lives <br /> in the Mulford Gardens area. He said he would like to see this <br /> approved. He said he would like to see his mom do something like this <br /> and be able to sell one unit. <br />