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Minutes - San Leandro City.Council Meeting - January 4, 1993 Page - 14 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Audrey Albers, 2037 Marina Court, said she is opposed to the re-zoning. <br /> She said the statement that owner occupancy is better and the City <br /> would have more control is misleading and untrue. She said there are <br /> many owner-occupied units that are in bad condition and many rental <br /> units that are in good condition. She said there is no assurance that <br /> the owners would live on the site. She said the 0 District already has <br /> many regulations about what can and cannot be built. She said there is <br /> a need for rental units in the area. She said these small , undersized, <br /> over-built, separately owned properties are not good, and this will <br /> establish a precedent. She said the next Application could be for four <br /> or five units . She said this is spot zoning, and the City has tried to <br /> avoid spot zoning. She said this project is in conflict with the No- <br /> Change designation of Mulford Gardens in the General Plan. <br /> In response to the questions from the City Council , Mrs. Albers said <br /> she wants to see one ownership on one lot and is opposed to condominium <br /> conversions in the 0 District. She said she is not opposed to three <br /> people owning one lot and is not in favor of eliminating the second <br /> units but does not like to see three separate ownerships. <br /> Council Member Myers pointed out that there would be no physical <br /> changes at all on the property. He asked what would preclude, for <br /> example, himself and his son from buying such a property. Mrs. Albers <br /> pointed out, in such a case the three people would own the property and <br /> units together. In the case of this Application, they would be three, <br /> separate owners, and that would be a different situation. <br /> Council Member Corbett pointed out that the CC&R's will require <br /> maintenance conditions that could be enforced. <br /> Mrs. Albers said the CC&R's have been violated in the Mulford Gardens <br /> area, and nothing has been done. <br /> City Manager Mike Oliver said if Mrs. Albers knew of specific locations <br /> he would like her to tell the City where those are so that they could <br /> be followed up on. <br /> Council Member Kerr said he does not agree with PUC's and PUD's. He <br /> said he feels this is a way for the City to bend the laws to suit <br /> itself. He asked Mrs. Albers why she felt this project would downgrade <br /> the community. Mrs. Albers said it depends on the person, not whether <br /> • <br /> he owns or rents a property. She said she recognizes property is <br /> expensive but feels this is a bad precedent. She said she wants to <br /> maintain the quality of Mulford Gardens and is concerned that this will <br /> spread to other units. <br /> Council Member Faria asked questions about the procedure involved. He <br /> asked why these actions would be taken now and why this was not <br /> strictly a condominium conversion. <br />