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Minutes 1993 0111
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City Council
Minutes 1993 0111
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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 11, 1993 Page - 13 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Council Member Corbett said the DFSI Ordinance only took into <br /> consideration possible developments in San Leandro and did not consider <br /> additional traffic impacts from projects outside San Leandro. She said <br /> the one-third amount does not take that impact into consideration. <br /> Mr. Oliver said she was correct, and the same logic applies to the <br /> airport expansion, Harbor Bay Isle, etc. He said the DFSI is a concept <br /> that says development generates traffic that will be detrimental unless <br /> mitigated in some way, but the program is not perfect. <br /> Mayor Karp requested that staff provide an answer to the question <br /> related to the amount of heavy equipment that will traverse City <br /> streets. <br /> Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, said he has a possible situation. <br /> He said he is not a legalist or an attorney. He said he opposes the <br /> way City Council meetings are conducted. He proposed that this issue <br /> be left up to the people to vote on by taking space in the San Leandro <br /> Times for a ballot. He said Mr. Merrick and others could count <br /> ballots, and the Chamber of Commerce and the Sentinels could also <br /> assist. He said he is not afraid of the City losing its vote but is <br /> afraid individuals will get sued. He said there is no Federal or State <br /> money in developments without a vote of the people. He said someone is <br /> negotiating with Mr. Smith. <br /> Kenneth Pimentel , 3034 Revere Avenue, Oakland, member of the Dunsmuir <br /> Ridge Alliance, said fire experts in the City of Oakland say mutual aid <br /> will become more important when the fire station on 98th Avenue is <br /> closed. He said regional fire-fighting agreements will have to be <br /> made, and providing protection to Dunsmuir Heights will cost San <br /> Leandro. He said a one-time payment cannot recoup the costs to the <br /> City. He said school children and old people will be killed by the <br /> 3,700 trips per day on Dutton Avenue. He asked if this would be worth <br /> the Council ' s political careers. He said people are mad, and they are <br /> going to figure out how to do a recall . <br /> John Fulper, 587 Lewis, said an article in the Bay Area Guardian said <br /> Dunsmuir was dead. He said the real issue is how much Jack Smith can <br /> get out of Oakland when he sells to Oakland for open space. He said <br /> the land with an approved project is worth more than without one and <br /> will earn a $20 million profit, of which San Leandro will only receive <br /> $400,000 to $500,000. He said San Leandro should be able to get $2 to <br /> $4 million. He said the residents of San Leandro don't want this <br /> project and asked if the City Council is voting with the residents of <br /> San Leandro or with the Hayward Exchange. <br />
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