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Minutes 1993 0111
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Minutes 1993 0111
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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 11 , 1993 Page - 17 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Council Member Kerr noted there had been 35 speakers tonight, all <br /> opposed to the MOU. He said the City has been offered an opportunity <br /> to get these mitigation funds. He said the Oakland Planning Commission <br /> and City Council have not recognized San Leandro' s needs at all . He <br /> said, after Oakland approves the project, the developer will have no <br /> incentive to give San Leandro anything at all . He said, if the MOU is <br /> not consummated, San Leandro will have to bear all the costs. He said <br /> he believes the MOU to be in the best interests of San Leandro and the <br /> taxpayers. He said this will save money in the long run, and the City <br /> would spend more without it. <br /> Council Member Corbett said it is obvious all of the questions have not <br /> been answered tonight. She said she did not know the exact costs to <br /> mitigate traffic, did not have an answer to the question regarding <br /> heavy equipment on City streets, and did not understand how mutual aid <br /> would work and what the costs would be. She said she did know certain <br /> items that were asked for all along during the planning process in <br /> Oakland have been denied. She said each of them has costs. She said <br /> she feels very strongly that the City may be giving up its legal <br /> rights. She assumes, if this project were in San Leandro, the City <br /> Council would make sure all the questions were answered. She said she <br /> hopes that, if the project is approved, we will have a way to pay for <br /> mitigation. She said there were too many unanswered questions, and she <br /> could not vote to give up the City's legal rights . <br /> Council Member Myers said he had received many phone calls from the <br /> citizens of San Leandro on this matter. He said he does not like the <br /> way the proposal was presented at the eleventh hour. He said he is on <br /> record as opposing the project. He said he does not feel good about <br /> giving up the City' s rights to sue or about the Oakland City Council <br /> waiting to see what San Leandro will do. He said the San Leandro <br /> Council needs to make a decision this evening. He said it is unlikely <br /> San Leandro will get any mitigation fees from Oakland. He said he <br /> believes he is charged with protecting the citizens of San Leandro <br /> through quality of life and through financial aspects. He said it is <br /> difficult to gamble with the City's money, but the City may not get any <br /> funds at all if the MOU is not approved. He said if the MOU is <br /> approved, San Leandro will have $500,000; and, if approved, he would <br /> make a motion to put these funds into a special account for the North <br /> Area. He said he does not feel the City Council would be selling out <br /> but is trying to obtain the most beneficial proposal for San Leandro at <br /> this time. He said he still does not approve of the project but feels <br /> he must protect the whole City of San Leandro and thinks the best <br /> position is to accept the MOU. <br /> Council Member Faria said he believes this is not a last-minute <br /> negotiation, and negotiations have been under way since September. He <br /> said he does not think there is any advantage to suing over the EIR. <br /> He said eventually the EIR would be acceptable. <br />
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