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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 11 , 1993 Page - 18 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Council Member Faria moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding, <br /> seconded by Council Member Myers. <br /> Council Member Corbett said she hoped the City Council would agree to <br /> change the MOU to provide that the dollar amounts are not constant <br /> figures and can change if the mitigation costs increase, so that <br /> additional funds can be obtained. <br /> Council Member Faria said he took the constant dollars to mean that it <br /> would be one or two years for the subdivision plan to be approved after <br /> project approval . <br /> Steve Meyers said, if the project is approved, the fees will be <br /> calculated based upon the figures now in the MOU. He said it could <br /> take up to three or four years for project approval , depending upon <br /> extensions granted by Oakland. <br /> Council Member Faria asked if an escalation clause could be added to <br /> the MOU. <br /> Mr. Meyers said the City Council can make any changes it desires to the <br /> MOU. He said they can change the figure for traffic impacts on a per- <br /> unit basis. He recommended that page 4, paragraph 2, be changed to <br /> indicate the dollar figure is $1 ,049, or such figure as is currently <br /> the DFSI fee for the City of San Leandro. <br /> After considerable discussion regarding the form of the motion, Council <br /> Members Faria and Myers withdrew the Motion and second. <br /> The City Council discussed the proposed amendment to the MOU. The City <br /> Attorney was requested to develop amended wording for the MOU related <br /> to DFSI fee calculation. <br /> Steve Meyers said the change would indicate that "Exchange shall pay <br /> the City the sum of $357,709, calculated by the number of approved <br /> residential units times $1 ,049 (or such other dollar amount as <br /> established pursuant to Title VII , Chapter 11 of the San Leandro <br /> Municipal Code) . " He said the same change would also relate to <br /> paragraph 2. <br /> The City Council directed the Clerk to read the Motion. <br /> Alice Calvert, City Clerk, said there was a Motion by Council Member <br /> Faria, seconded by Council Member Kerr, to accept the MOU, with the <br /> modification, as described by the City Attorney, related to DFSI fees <br /> per unit. She said there was one motion, and a vote "for" would accept <br /> the MOU with the changes read by the City Attorney. <br /> Council Member Perry asked what the process was for voting for an <br /> amended MOU which had not been approved by the other party. <br />