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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 11, 1993 Page - 5 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Mr. Oliver asked if her question was specifically how the $1 ,049 <br /> relates directly to the traffic impacts and the required improvements. <br /> He said DFSI does not operate dependent upon specific site <br /> improvements. He said if this project were in San Leandro, the City <br /> could require specific site improvements be made by the developer, but <br /> that is not the purpose of DFSI . It was created to attempt to deal <br /> with non-site-specific traffic impacts that all potential projects <br /> might generate, as shown in the Master Plan of City Streets. The <br /> Master Plan provides a cost estimate for making all those improvements, <br /> which is currently $1 ,049 per unit for residential developments. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked if the $1 ,049 reflects one-third of the <br /> projected costs? <br /> Mr. Oliver said the City historically has used this figure to recover <br /> one-third of the costs of the estimated improvements of any development <br /> in San Leandro. <br /> Council Member Corbett said she is concerned that the figures in the <br /> agreement reflect one-third of the cost of the improvement, not 100%. <br /> Mr. Oliver said this is the same cost charged to every development in <br /> San Leandro. <br /> Council Member Corbett said, since this development is not within San <br /> Leandro, the other two-thirds of the costs could be recovered from the <br /> developer. <br /> Mr. Oliver said this was correct . He noted San Leandro has shared a <br /> portion of its DFSI with other jurisdictions, such as with the <br /> Greenhouse Marketplace project shared with Alameda County. <br /> Council Member Kerr said he is concerned about the service cost to San <br /> Leandro as far as maintenance, fire, police or other services San <br /> Leandro might have to provide to the project. He asked if Oakland <br /> would provide those services or if San Leandro would get stuck with <br /> mutual aid. <br /> Mr. Oliver said the mutual aid with the Police Department is not <br /> formal , but we have a good working relationship. He said mutual aid <br /> for the Fire Department is a formal relationship. <br /> Council Member Kerr asked what would happen to the MOU if the developer <br /> transfers the project. Mr. Meyers said the MOU would apply to the <br /> project and all its obligations are transferrable. <br /> Council Member Perry asked if the City has flexibility to use these <br /> funds. <br /> Mr. Oliver said, yes, Council can use the funds as they desire. <br />