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Minutes 1993 0111
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Minutes 1993 0111
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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 11, 1993 Page - 8 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> earthquake. She said Mayor Karp told the press that the City Council <br /> had directed him to meet with Jack Smith, but several Council Members <br /> said they don't recall giving that direction. She said the City <br /> Council met in Closed Session to discuss the money offer from the <br /> developer and decided it would hold a Special Meeting to accommodate <br /> the developer instead of the people. She said this sends a message to <br /> Oakland that it's okay to be paid off. She said the quality of life is <br /> not for sale. <br /> Ellen Geis, 834 Cary Drive, said there was an earthquake on December <br /> 20th which caused cracks and more damage in the Sheffield Village area <br /> than the big one in 1989. She said something has to be done to stop <br /> Dunsmuir Heights. She said the City Council is giving Jack Smith a <br /> sledge hammer to sledge his way through. She asked the City Council to <br /> say no on this project. <br /> Rita Hartley, 576 E. Merle Court, said she is concerned with the <br /> quality of life. She said she doesn't understand why the City is <br /> withdrawing the Appeal when the City of Oakland has yet to vote. She <br /> said we are exchanging our birthright for a mess of pottage. She said <br /> this is short-sighted. <br /> Ed Fields, 1180 Begier Avenue, asked if the Council had ever walked the <br /> steep fire trail next to Dunsmuir House and thought what it would take <br /> to put a road there or looked at the view. He said the area is better <br /> suited to remain open space rather than be developed. He said a <br /> development would be an earthquake hazard. He asked why the City is <br /> discussing how much the developer is willing to pay before the project <br /> is approved, when they should be opposing it. He said they should be <br /> discussing how much can be gotten from Measure K or other State funds <br /> to keep it open space. He said that would be a win-win situation <br /> because the developer could sell at a fair price, and it could be kept <br /> open space. <br /> Chris Dundon, 716 Elsie, said the DFSI amounts are frozen. He said if <br /> San Leandro signs the MOU, it signs away its rights for adequate <br /> compensation for impacts to the City. He said, if the project does get <br /> approved, it won't be built for a long time, so the dollar figures will <br /> get smaller and smaller. He asked the City Council not to accept this <br /> offer. <br /> Angelo Lievore, 908 Rodney Drive, said he has been involved with <br /> Dunsmuir since day one. He said he has found the Hayward Exchange to <br /> be unbending in its proposal until now. He said this is a shotgun <br /> marriage and intimidation. He said, if the Hayward Exchange were <br /> sincerely interested in the welfare of the citizens of San Leandro, why <br /> didn't they come forward with this proposal earlier. He urged the City <br /> Council to reject this proposal . <br />
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