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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 19, 1993 Page - 13 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> there is a range of proposals to replace existing construction. He <br /> said external and internal traffic circulation were reviewed and <br /> approved by the Traffic Engineer and Fire Department. He said the <br /> internal street is wide enough to permit parking on one side of the <br /> street only. He described the Mediterranean-design theme of the units <br /> and described the exterior and floor plans. He said the noise impact <br /> has been addressed by an acoustical consultant and described the types <br /> of masonry walls that would be installed in the project -- ranging <br /> from a 12-foot-high wall adjacent to the railroad to a standard, 8-foot <br /> wall -- to achieve acceptable decibel levels. He said the entry to the <br /> development would have a decorative wall with landscaping. He said <br /> Harding-Lawson Associates has conducted an on-site hazardous materials <br /> assessment and noted it was necessary to mitigate to remove hazardous <br /> waste, including asbestos. He said contamination was found in the <br /> groundwater, but this property is not the source of the contamination. <br /> He said there will be a Condition in the CC&R's stating no wells or <br /> uses of groundwater are permitted unless the California Regional Water <br /> Quality Control Board gives its approval . He said the Planning <br /> Commission recommended approval of the re-zone, the Precise and General <br /> Development Plans, the two Negative Declarations, and the Tentative <br /> Map. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa asked who would be responsible for maintaining <br /> the graffiti on the soundwall . Steve Meyers, City Attorney, said it <br /> would be the responsibility of the homeowners' association to maintain <br /> both sides of the soundwall . <br /> In response to a question, Mr. Penaranda said parking would be <br /> permitted on one side of the street in order not to restrict emergency <br /> access. He said Magnolia Lane has similar parking, and the on-site <br /> parking has proven to be adequate. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked how long the driveways would be. Mr. <br /> Penaranda said they would be the standard 18-1/2-foot stall , and the <br /> CC&R's contain requirements related to RV's. <br /> In response to questions, he said noise from BART had not been taken <br /> into account because it is a far enough distance away not to impact the <br /> project. He said there would also be soundproofing in walls, double- <br /> glazed windows, and good insulation. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Kerr, Mr. Penaranda said <br /> approximately 30% of the lot would be covered. <br /> • <br />