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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 19, 1993 Page - 8 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Council Member Myers asked what the "base city" means. Mr. Lind said <br /> they considered the base city to be San Leandro because it is the City <br /> in which they do most of their work. <br /> Council Member Myers said he has received phone calls saying the public <br /> perceives that there is no real togetherness between the Orchestra and <br /> San Leandro. He said most of their concerts are being performed in <br /> Castro Valley. Mr. Lind said the Orchestra was forced to conduct <br /> concerts outside San Leandro because it was the only place they could <br /> find a large enough facility. <br /> Dr. Goodrich said there is a perception that they have moved out of San <br /> Leandro but reiterated they moved only because there's no place in San <br /> Leandro that will hold the number of people who attend. He said he <br /> wished people to know that the Orchestra supports a foundation, <br /> supports City functions, and supports San Leandro schools, all of which <br /> they do not do in any other city, in terms of youth concerts and other <br /> activities. He said they have been trying for the last three years to <br /> give things back to San Leandro in a way that the Orchestra can <br /> physically do, such as performing concerts at the schools. He said <br /> facilities don't allow them to perform here, but they feel the City is <br /> benefitting from them. <br /> Council Member Myers asked what their support was for the City of San <br /> Leandro and for the schools right now. He said it is difficult to see <br /> support if the name San Leandro is no longer part of the Orchestra. <br /> Mr. Lind said the Orchestra puts on at least two youth concerts, one at <br /> public schools and one at parochial schools. He said over 1,200 <br /> children attend those. He said they also provide for the San Leandro <br /> schools small ensembles of one or two instruments and the maestro, and <br /> they instruct children about classical music. They said based upon the <br /> cut-backs in the arts in the schools this fills a real need. <br /> Council Member Corbett said the City Council had not received <br /> information on next season's schedule. Mr. Lind said it was not done <br /> yet, but there would be at least two youth concerts and a minimum of <br /> five local concerts. He again said there is no facility large enough <br /> in San Leandro and said neighborhood concerts attract 400-500 people. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked where the fund-raising events would be and <br /> what percentage of the budget they represent. Mr. Weaver said the two <br /> major events are the Wine Tasting and the Harvest Ball . He said most <br /> of the rest of the grants are corporate. He said they have made <br /> numerous proposals for grants and will continue to do so. Mr. Lind <br /> said they recently hired Ted Roberts as a General Manager, who is from <br /> the San Diego Symphony, and he will be concentrating on fund raising. <br /> Mr. Weaver said fund raising accounted for approximately 12% of the <br /> budget and corporate sponsorships accounted for 12%. <br />