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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 24, 1993 Page - 5 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Council Member Kerr asked if there would still be Redevelopment Agency <br /> funds that would be vulnerable to the State. He said he understood a <br /> Senate Committee and the Governor's Office are looking at that. Mr. <br /> Jermanis said tonight's actions would tie up the funds to the extent <br /> possible through the bond issue. He said these funds are what the <br /> Redevelopment Agency can reasonably expect to pay, including bonds, <br /> maintenance costs, staff, etc. He said the amount being asked for in <br /> payment to the bond holders equals the amount previously owed to the City. <br /> Council Member Kerr asked what would happen if the project costs go up to <br /> $25 million. Mr. Jermanis said there are contingency reserves available as <br /> a result of refinancing the -Parking Authority debt. He said there is $2.5 <br /> million in a sinking fund reserve which can be held pending completion of <br /> all major capital . improvement projects, including the Marina Community <br /> Center, dredging of the City Marina, reconfiguration of the water <br /> circulation area, etc. <br /> Council Member Perry asked, if the Redevelopment Agency bonds are not <br /> pulled until October, would the interest rate still be 6.5%. Mr. Jermanis <br /> said the bonds will be issued immediately, and the funds will be reinvested <br /> during the period before the City starts drawing them down. He said <br /> construction of the building would not commence immediately, and there are <br /> many logistics involved in moving people, etc. He said the bond <br /> underwriter will watch the market daily so the City can move quickly. He <br /> said the City Council and other agencies' actions will authorize himself, <br /> the Mayor, and the City Manager to execute the necessary documents on the <br /> Council 's behalf, at the right opportunity, without coming back to the <br /> Council . <br /> Council Member Perry asked for an explanation of how the use of Bank of <br /> America as the Trustee would work. Mr. Jermanis said the Trustee plays an <br /> important role in the process. He said all the banks interested in <br /> providing trustee services were given an opportunity to submit proposals, <br /> and four banks submitted proposals for each of the bond issues. He said <br /> Bank of America's proposal provided the best quote for the fees. In <br /> addition, administratively it is desirable to use Bank of America because <br /> of the ease of transferring funds, etc. Mayor Karp noted there are not <br /> many banks that handle bond transactions, and Bank of America has a whole <br /> department working just on bonding. <br /> Council Member Perry asked if relocation costs were part of the North <br /> Offices Addition and if they included the two businesses on the north <br /> block. Mr. Jermanis said the "Other Project Costs" category included <br /> property acquisition and relocation. He said the City has been in contact <br /> with them about the fact that the City will be acquiring the properties. <br /> Council Member Perry said she hoped the City would actively help the <br /> businesses relocate and stay in the North Area. <br />