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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - June 14, 1993 Page - 14 - <br /> MATTER OF DISCUSSION REGARDING PROCESS TO FILL VACANCY - COUNCIL DISTRICT 1 <br /> (continued) <br /> Mayor Faria said it would be the Council 's responsibility to ask all the <br /> necessary questions during the interviews. <br /> Council Member Myers said the Subcommittee opened up the window to pick up <br /> applications, rather than allow more time until the interview date. <br /> The City Council noted the amount of time needed for the interviews would <br /> depend upon the number of applications received. <br /> Mayor Faria suggested that the successful applicant be sworn in and take <br /> part in the meeting on the 28th. <br /> Steve Meyers said there will be a very lengthy presentation to the Council <br /> of the Redevelopment Plan and EIR on the 28th. He said, if the appointee <br /> is going to hear the matter, he or she will be able to act at subsequent <br /> meetings, so it would be a more efficient process if they were actually a <br /> part of the deliberations on the plan. <br /> Mayor Faria noted the successful appointee could be given the documents on <br /> the Plan on the 24th. <br /> Vice Mayor Polvorosa suggested the meeting on the 24th start at 8:00 p.m. <br /> instead of 7:00 p.m. The City Council concurred. The City Council also <br /> directed that the order of the interviews should be determined by some type <br /> of random-order drawing. <br /> Council Member Corbett suggested setting a time for the length of each <br /> interview and posting a schedule at the beginning of the meeting on the <br /> 24th. <br /> Council Member Perry suggested that candidates be isolated and unable to <br /> hear each others answers. It was pointed out this would be a public <br /> meeting. <br /> The City Clerk suggested the Clerk's Office conduct an informal process to <br /> pull names out of a hat and provide the Council with a list of the order of <br /> interviews. The Council concurred. <br /> The Council discussed the amount of time to be allowed for each interview <br /> and agreed the length of time could not be determined until the number of <br /> applications received was known. <br /> Mayor Faria said the applicants must be very serious about what they are <br /> doing and understand what the time commitment would be. He suggested that <br /> the interview meeting not go beyond midnight. <br />