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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - June 21, 1993 Page - 15 - <br /> 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> A. Matter of Review of Costs to Be Apportioned for Work Done by Lincoln <br /> Property Company on Alvarado Street. <br /> This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above <br /> matter, Bill Silva, City Engineer, said this Public Hearing was being <br /> held with regard to the request of San Leandro Industrial Properties, <br /> Inc. , formerly Lincoln Property Company, for reimbursement of a portion <br /> of their costs for extending Alvarado Street between Thornton Street <br /> and West Estudillo Avenue. He said this matter had been discussed at <br /> a City Council Work Session in March. . He said a representative from <br /> Westlake Development, representing the Chang property, would be asking <br /> that the matter be continued so that the engineers for Chang could <br /> obtain further information and review the staff report in more detail . <br /> Mr. Silva noted that the cost proposed to be apportioned to the Chang <br /> property had been increased from $210,491 .04 to $302,929.80 based upon <br /> Lincoln's request that staff reevaluate the cost of building the <br /> railroad crossing and the cost of the waterline extension. He said <br /> staff determined there was some benefit to the Chang property from <br /> these projects. <br /> Mayor Faria asked if the representative of the Chang property had been <br /> involved in the first deliberations. Mr. Silva said, although they <br /> were invited to the Work Session, tonight was the first opportunity to <br /> present their side of the story to the City Council . He said he had <br /> not heard from Chang or their representatives up until tonight. He <br /> said there have been discussions with them and with Mr. Oldrich from <br /> Westlake last week, but that was the first contact. He said they were <br /> asking that the Public Hearing be continued until July 19, 1993. <br /> Council Member Myers asked questions regarding the percentage of <br /> benefit to Chang. He said the staff report indicated 24% of the <br /> railroad and 48% of the water main would be beneficial to Chang and <br /> asked how that was determined. <br /> Mr. Silva said the area from the centerline of the street to the <br /> easterly right-of-way line of the railroad determined the total length <br /> of the street construction. He said, although they could have used the <br /> actual frontage of the street, it was felt that, because of the amount <br /> of the street improvements and the acute angle at which it crosses the <br /> railroad track, the centerline is a balance that favors neither <br /> property. He said 48% of the railroad crossing was not truly of <br /> benefit to the Chang property and had only half the value to them of <br /> the water lines, so only 24% was used for the railroad crossing. <br /> Mr. Silva said staff tried to evaluate the distribution of costs based <br /> on what would be fair to both property owners. <br /> Frank Oldrich, Legal Affairs Office Executive Assistant to Mr. Chang <br /> for Westlake, Inc. , asked that the Public Hearing be continued to July <br /> • <br /> 19, 1993. He said over the past several weeks the amount to be charged <br />