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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - September 7, 1993 Page - 2 - <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) <br /> Mr. Filipovich said, in the Minutes of August 16th, Item 5.B, in the <br /> middle of the first paragraph, " . . .in honor of former Mayor. . . . and" <br /> should be deleted. He said he did not mention the Mayor by Mayor. He <br /> said he also said, if private individuals wanted to do something they <br /> could. <br /> He said, at the August 16th meeting, he said Howard Kerr should resign, <br /> but Mayor Faria stopped him from going into the issue related to this, <br /> Ordinance 93-104, Chapters 6 and 7. He said, if he had been given the <br /> opportunity to speak, he may have convinced someone else to vote no. <br /> He said, on August 2nd, he said there was a conflict of interest. He <br /> said Mayor Faria denied him the right to speak and should not have done <br /> that. <br /> B. Susan Riskind-Poulsen, on Behalf of Broadmoor Neighborhood Association <br /> and Durant Manor Association, the neighboring association in Oakland, <br /> thanked the City Council in advance for approving the Consent Item for <br /> a four-way stop at Durant and Bancroft. She said this is the first <br /> time the two communities have done something together for their common <br /> good and hoped it would continue in the future. She expressed both <br /> Associations' gratitude. <br /> C. Bob Berger, 13475 Bancroft Avenue, spoke regarding a project completed <br /> by BANHA - Bancroft Area Neighborhood Homeowners' Association. He said <br /> BANHA is a new homeowners' organization formed recently by himself and <br /> Gordon Galvan. He said they contacted Cal -Trans and became the first <br /> people in the State to adopt an offramp. They planted 365 plants on <br /> the offramp from 580 onto Grand Avenue. He said it will be beautiful <br /> in the springtime. He said he hopes someone else does a similar <br /> project. <br /> Mayor Faria said Mr. Berger and Mr. Galvan really did something with <br /> this program and expressed the City's gratitude. <br /> Council Member Perry noted there were 23 active participants in the <br /> project. <br /> D. Scott Grubbs, 13475 Bancroft Avenue, spoke regarding Marina Park. He <br /> said he reads that Marina Park is running up a deficit by being there <br /> for the Park, the Marina area, and boat usage. He said this is <br /> hogwash. He said the City is currently looking at the feasible <br /> development of the Marina. He said there are 451 berths which could <br /> bring in $3.732 million over five years, which pays for the dredging. <br /> He finds it hard to believe the City only estimates one-seventh of the <br /> possible income in the 1993-94 proposed budget. He said he has found <br /> a $379,824 mistake. He said all the City has to do is advertise to get <br /> more boats into the Marina. He said this does not include sales tax <br />